David Ziegler
Thursday July 2 2015, 6:03 PM

Evening gentlemen: I am semi-retired and love to talk,play and look at cars. I also do research for the Museum of American Speed-Smith Collection in Lincoln, NE. I ran across your site while surfing. My present research project is on quick change rear ends. So if any of you have pictures information on odd quick change rear ends , Please pass them on.There were also driver that made QCs such a Clyde Adams, etc. Thanks and I hope to add info too! Dave.

David Ziegler
@david-ziegler   10 years ago
Bill; Would love to see pictures of you cars. AlsoSend several pictures of your T board car and a description and I make and article that can be placed in a magazine called Secrets of Speed Society. This magazine is dedicated to t's, A', and other 4 cylinder era cars.Dave