"Life Lessons" from the old Race Crew
Dennis Andrews
Friday August 22 2014, 3:36 PM

Wayne Andrews beside the '62 Impala owned by Pete and Bea Brewer.

The 1965 racing season was kicked off with a Fish Fry for all the race team members and their families. It was held at Spuds (Waynes dad) service station which is where they worked on the race car. Fried fish, slaw and hushpuppies; good eating. All the crew members wore bibbed overalls and a straw hat.

The preferred footwear by the team was what we called engineer boots; no fancy stitching, multi-colors, pointed toes or narrow heels, like cowboy boots just plain black boots. My brother Keith and I had a pair too. As a kid running in and out of the shop while the race car was being worked on the crew was teaching me things like what elbow grease was and some things my Mom didnt want me to know. Twenty years later I was still learning. James Burgess (who had crewed for dad in the mid 60's) and I worked at the same company. James ran a milling machine and I worked in engineering; the fact that I worked in that department but had no engineering degree was always a reason for some good natured fun. One day I walked up to James at his machine wearing a new pair of engineer boots. He looked down and without cracking a smile asked Do you know how to tell the difference in cowboy boots and those boots? I shook my head no, he replied The cowboy boots have the shit on the outside. I laughed, James just grinned, and I learned something about his generation. He wasn't putting me down, it was his way of teaching humility, reminding me to not forget my raising. Another good life lesson from the old race crew. Sure do miss those guys.

Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   11 years ago
Lov it Dennis
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   11 years ago
Dennis, I love this shared memory. I rarely find my way down to the Blog posts so shame on me for taking so long to comment. Don't blame you for missing those guys. The picture you paint makes me miss them too and I didn't even know them.