Forum Activity for @dennis-nelson

Dennis Nelson
07/10/15 12:43:01PM
6 posts

The Confederate Flag and NASCAR

Current NASCAR

Is someone a racists if they have a rebel flag on their race car? According to some like Al Sharpton, Gov. Nikki, Nascar and others you would be.

Dennis Nelson
07/10/15 02:00:28AM
6 posts

The Confederate Flag and NASCAR

Current NASCAR

Richmond doesn't need a flag to show their love of the Confederacy and slavery when they have all those monuments of the heroes of the Rebel cause right there in the middle of downtown. LOL Just wait for the calls to tear down those symbols of hate.

Dennis Nelson
07/10/15 12:50:40AM
6 posts

The Confederate Flag and NASCAR

Current NASCAR

Perry, Sorry you missed the obvious sarcasm of the question. When someone puts TIC in their comment it means Tongue in Cheek. So what you think was my ignorance was actually your own lack of understanding of the practice of making fun of something without pointing to the obvious. I will disregard your bigoted comment after that.

Dennis Nelson
07/09/15 05:13:00PM
6 posts

The Confederate Flag and NASCAR

Current NASCAR

A lot of people fought for the freedoms we use to have and we should be thankful for their service. Even some ole Rebels won a few victories and forced Lincoln to modify his stance on states rights. Lincoln use to be for states rights before he was against them. I wonder if Bud ever entered one of his cars in the Rebel 400? Would that make him a racist? TIC

Dennis Nelson
07/09/15 01:06:09PM
6 posts

The Confederate Flag and NASCAR

Current NASCAR

Yeah its good to know in the morning there will be no hate left in SC. The birds will be singing louder, the sky will be blue from now on, people will not have to lock their doors anymore, everyone from Jessie Jackson to Al Sharpton will be saying nice things about us white guys and every black boy in the state can get a job and wear his pants below his knees while on the job. We won't have to look at images of those old Rebel Soldiers who fought to defend their wives and children. What a great state SC will be much like Illinois, no wait they still shoot each other (54 last week) even without the Confederate flag. Maybe we can be like New York, no wait they have more crime than Illinois so that's not good. At least South Carolinians can rest at night knowing their Gov. Nikki is on the job protecting the churches from anyone who would do harm to them, no wait some churches have been burned since she decided to take down the hate symbol of the world. I guess we should accept the fact Nikki thinks anyone who likes the flag and their heritage is a hater and can always go to Walmart and buy a Isis cake but not the General Lee. You know that is something to be proud of! It's good to know there are at least two people that are proud Americans, Perry and Michelle Obama.

Dennis Nelson
07/04/15 12:00:46PM
6 posts

The Confederate Flag and NASCAR

Current NASCAR

I was with you until the Toyota comments. Great article until then.

If we refuse Toyota then we should refuse all the other foreign products .