Forum Activity for @barry-eanes

Barry Eanes
03/19/10 07:35:13AM
3 posts

Sox and Martin 1971 Road Runner


I have some good stories on Dave Gould...
Barry Eanes
02/10/10 07:01:09AM
3 posts

Sox and Martin 1971 Road Runner


I don't know if the Road Runner is still alive.. There a lot of Sox & Martin cars. Some may or may not be really a S&M car. I feel that there are a lot of clones out there...
Barry Eanes
02/09/10 03:49:32PM
3 posts

Sox and Martin 1971 Road Runner


I believe it was only used for Clinics and the dealerships. If I remember correctly Joe Fisher which was the shop foreman may have run it at Rockingham one time....