Forum Activity for @the-wally-bell-show

The Wally Bell Show
02/23/11 05:28:50PM
72 posts



Capt. Jack & Mike Evegens 3/9 .....Fun Night !!!!

Wally Bell Show

The Wally Bell Show
01/20/11 08:10:39AM
72 posts

The Hurst Hairy Olds Lives !!!!!!


Go to DieCast Model available..Tons of Info too.

Thanks Joe Schubeck for all you've done for Motorsports ! ( LAKEWOOD...much more)

updated by @the-wally-bell-show: 04/05/17 04:43:56AM
The Wally Bell Show
01/04/11 02:32:55PM
72 posts

Wed. 1/5 Rapid Randy Baker,Barry Kuhlmann, Walt Mentzer ON The Wally Bell Show


Join Gordy,Patrick, Jeff and Wally.

FIRST SHOW in 2011 For us!

Happy New Year

updated by @the-wally-bell-show: 12/05/16 08:51:24AM
The Wally Bell Show
01/01/11 10:18:32AM
72 posts

We are Humbled !


Thank you Everyone!
The Wally Bell Show
01/04/11 08:33:17AM
72 posts

Bob Glidden Kicks Off New NIght for Racin' & Rockin' with!


Classy show Bill.

Let's all think positive thoughts and send our prayers for Bob.

One thing for CERTAIN on your show..Bob's comments about the ProStock scene..Spot On

Positive, and He spoke highly of his fellow competitors..No Bull Crap,Just , from his heart ,SPOKE

Bob SET,RESET, "THE BAR" forever...

Only WJ has a place as Lofty as Bob Glidden ! ( Bob's opinion too)

Long Live Bob Glidden !

Again, Classy Show!

The Wally Bell Show
12/02/10 09:11:18AM
72 posts

The United States Super Circuit aka: USSC ..REMEMBERED !! 12/1


Bill Pratt said:
Hi Rob. Great to hear from you! What a great show... man, I would love to have a reunion somewhere... I would be there for sure. bp
I barely slept last night....Memories!I 'm glad so many enjoyed this show.Golden Times!Yes..a reunion !!!