Forum Activity for @gt-nolen

G.T. Nolen
06/10/13 07:57:48AM
17 posts

Julian Petty - trying to put more pieces of puzzle together

Stock Car Racing History

Seems to me that Julian Petty's daughter was married to Roy Tyner. I can't remember her name now, could be wrong but I helped Roy some in his pits in the mid sixrties and I rememberthere was a connection between Roy and Julian.

G.T. Nolen
06/24/13 01:46:57PM
17 posts

south side speedway

Stock Car Racing History

Yes, I know Ted.

G.T. Nolen
05/31/13 10:07:36PM
17 posts

south side speedway

Stock Car Racing History

I knew Pete Goodman very well, also remember the nameBill Funi but didn't know him. Pete owned the Pontiac powered modified coupe and later ran a Pontiac Late Model Sportsman.

G.T. Nolen
04/06/15 09:35:23PM
17 posts

Bobby Allison/Ray Hendrick Raced Where Easter Monday 1976? Any RR Members Race There That Day?

Stock Car Racing History

Yep, sure did. Bubba drove for me most of the seventies, Charlie Ford drove a year in the late seventies and then when NASCAR made the Sportsman cars a touring division I sold everything and took a year off. Then in '81 I teamed with Ronnie Staples to run the late models at SoBoand Rougemount until 91 when we finally give it up totally. Working for Worth was probably some of the best years of my life. He was and still is my hero

G.T. Nolen
04/05/15 09:32:44PM
17 posts

Bobby Allison/Ray Hendrick Raced Where Easter Monday 1976? Any RR Members Race There That Day?

Stock Car Racing History

I was most likely there also, during the seventies I owned the #83 Fidelity National Bank car driven by Bubba Tatum. We ran Friday nights at Southside Speedway in Richmond then would go to Rougemont or South Boston on Saturday night. I remember running those Easter Monday races too. I also remember running Bowman Gray twice on Easter Mondayduring my time behind the wheel back in the sixties as mentioned in another thread. One of those times they ran those little sports cars in with us. That was an experence in itself, those sporty car guys drove the cars to the race track, taped the headlights up then raced them. I was driving one those big old Pontiacs for Worth McMillion, you could heard their little motor screaming but you couldnt see the damn thing.

G.T. Nolen
09/10/12 08:41:23PM
17 posts

Memories of Another Blue & Gold Car

Stock Car Racing History

Hey!!! That was my car!! Bubba drove for me forquite a fewyears


G.T. Nolen
03/10/15 06:04:08PM
17 posts

It took Richmond 3 days to Run 125 Miles in 1964 - My 1st race

Stock Car Racing History

I was helping Worth McMillion at this race and I don't recall if NASCAR impounded the cars or not, they may not have been doing that then but anyway a bunch of the guys. Worth included took the race cars to that round brick building outside the race track where they were left until the race was resumed. When we came back on whatever day it was, i think you said it was Tuesday Worth and i and Doug and Bob Cooper and I seem to remember Buddy Arrington was with us but we were the first ones to go in the brick building to get our car out and there were no lights on in the building. That was so long ago that I forget but I guess we found someone that knew how to turn the current on in the building but I remember you couldn't see you hand in front of your face it was so dark in there and we couldn't find the race cars. Funny how after all these years the silly things that you remember.
