Forum Activity for @cliff-acheson

Cliff Acheson
07/19/12 09:43:04AM
2 posts

Which NASCAR driver holds No. 1 ranking?

Current NASCAR

A trip to her woodshed is not a fun place to be.


Cliff Acheson
07/19/12 09:40:14AM
2 posts

Which NASCAR driver holds No. 1 ranking?

Current NASCAR

First of all, if we leave it up to SPEED, to produce the power ratings, the outcome would be:

#1 Jr

#2 Carl Edwards

#3 Trevor B

#4 Tony

#5 Kyle B.

#6 Did we list fellow SPEED guy Carl Edwards.

#7 JJ

#8 Kurt B.

#9 Is Carl on the list yet?

#10 JR.

#33 Matt Who?

This has been old news for Matt and his family for years. He is as quite today as he was years ago at the Jefferson Speedway.

Matt has always let his deeds speak for him.