Vintage cars in CSRA
George Pavlisko2
Tuesday September 22 2009, 9:38 AM
CAARA , Carolina Antique Auto Racing Association, Will have a track session at Gordon Park Speedway.this Saturday Night will pay the normal pit fee and get some track time. No idea as to how much depends on their schedule and we are the new guys on the block.This is to help BUILD a car count for 2010 so we can run at Gordon Park and Hammerdown.CAARA is a Vintage Club with the same Safety Rules as DAARA, Daytona Antique Auto Racing Association.The group is open to ALL vintage STYLE race cars. Coupes, Coaches, Midgets, Sprints that are 15 years old and OLDER.We do NOT race like the NVRA bur can break into two groups in the future if required. The cars and drivers are OLD so we have been there and done that on the track in the past.We have NO:Tire RuleMotor RuleFuel Rule (if it is alcohol then you need an "A" by the fuel fill for the track crew)Fiberglass bodies, real steel onlyWeightSO if you want to run like we did in the VERY old days get a car and come play. You can find them from $3,500.00 ready to runGeorge P.Z8 Modified
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   16 years ago
George, you folks have the right idea about rules.......................keep them simple! This type set up should fit well with the developing ideas here at Racers Reunion.If I was not going to be out of town I would be there, but, you can bet your last dime that some of the AIRPS members will be there to enjoy the "show".
Jack Carter
@jack-carter   16 years ago
George I went on Bing Maps (Bird's Eye) and looks at Gordon Park Speedway, Great looking dirt track
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   16 years ago
Hi Jack! This track is actually the former Hayloft Speedway.The big boys of NASCAR actually visited the track in 1952 for the 13th race of the season. Gober Sosebee was the winner.
George Pavlisko2
@george-pavlisko2   16 years ago
Well if we can get a handle on this idea and keep it FUN. This is the wave of thr future since the cost of running these is about 25% that of running a weekly race car.
George Pavlisko2
@george-pavlisko2   16 years ago
DATE CHANGE FOR CAARA at Gordon Park Speedway to 10/10 instead of Saturday 9/26CAARA will be at Gordon Park on 10/10. From the input I have gotten back this is a better date for all.The Z8 PLANS to be at:10/10 Gordon Park in Georgia.10/16 Hammerdown in N.C.10/24 Putnam County Speedway in Florida
bob williams
@bob-williams   15 years ago
You mentioned NVRA, please don't follow their lead. NVRA do not race vintage cars. They race late model cars with old bodies on them. I don't remember any of my 50 or 60's race cars having window nets,coil overs,15'' wide tires or bead lock rims. I've got a vintage car I can't race because it is a real VINTAGE car. Please, keep the old cars.old cars.
George Pavlisko2
@george-pavlisko2   15 years ago
WE have that problem 100% solved. The SPORTSMEN division is the OLD CARS, OLD FRAMES. ALL frames must be 25 years or OLDER. The coil over, 15" wide tires and Bead locks run in the modified division.Remember that we are WORKING on a happy ground that we can allow MOST of the cars to run with us. I DRAW THE LINE at a Late Model frame from 2009 with a fiberglass body, NO WAY. AS I said most of the drivers are as old or Older than the cars. This is our FUN and not supposed to be a take no prisoners and out spend the other guy type of group.We need to put on a SHOW for the fans not just a slow speed parade. So the Modifieds take care of that. The history lesson with the period cars with period equipment will run in the Sportsmen Division. We will work on more dates in the future. But for now we are at Sumter Speedway as the LRP Modified Sportsmen series home track on the 4th Saturday of the Month and the BELL & BELL Vintage Modified Series has their home at Carolina Speedway in Lake View S.C. USUALLY on the 2nd Saturday of the month.