
Mack Sarvis

Preservation-Restored-Re-constructed?-What does it mean.

Somebody needs to categorize the various levels of vintage and historic race cars! Preservation to me means un-touched, as is found and...
@Mack Sarvis started 12 years ago - replies: 3
Jeff Gilder

Where were you when....

you saw your first drag race?
@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 3
Scott DuVall

stroppe 1957 ford

my dad red duvall bought one of bills car from a race in iowa after a race jerry unser drove the car.
@Scott DuVall started 12 years ago - replies: 3
Jeff Gilder

Add a Page

If you look near the center of the NASCAR Now group page you will see the words"Add a Page". Guess what, you can do just that. Click it...and add...
@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 0
Jeff Gilder

Is This the Face of NASCAR?

@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 3
Jeff Gilder

Marty Robbins

If you had the pleasure of meeting Marty...tell up about it, please.
@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 2
Julie Howard

Ernie was my uncle

Great pics, I miss Ernie alot, We had some fun Daytona 500 parties at his house. The thing I miss the most is watching a race with him at home.and...
@Julie Howard started 12 years ago - replies: 0
David B. Axelrod

The SPEED Way: Poems about NASCAR and Growing Up Around Cars and Racing

Don't let the fact that this is a book of poetry scare you off! I have had a ball since I started researching and writing the book. Now that it is...
@David B. Axelrod started 12 years ago - replies: 0
chuck sellman

Red Line 7000 is the best I have ever seen!!!

Red Line 7000 had everything. It even had a Daytona Coupe in a ditch. I have the DVD, VHS and Laser Disk. Since the topic is Best Racing Movies,...
@chuck sellman started 12 years ago - replies: 0
TMC Chase

Greg Fielden's books

I count myself fortunate to have Greg Fielden's Forty Years of Stock Car Racing series of books. I'm really glad I bought them when they were...
@TMC Chase started 12 years ago - replies: 2
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