Is there a piece of ground at the track or near the track where a granite monument or some type of memorial can be placed? The location would need public access for enjoyment.
@henry-jones16 years ago
Is there a public park nearby or perhaps a space in downtown Cayce?
@jeff-gilder16 years ago
There are upcoming meetings/discussions regarding future use of the speedway. These meetings will involve city, county, and state government folks, as well as other interested paties...including the owners of the property. We have demonstrated the level of interest in the surrounding areas for preserving this piece of history and will begin these discussions next week. (Preliminary impact figures for the event: appx 30,000 attended the Love Chevrolet Columbia Speedway Spring Festival and RacersReumnion from 15 states and Puerto Rico) Our "ultimate" dream would be to not only preserve...but to include a museum and possibly a Columbia Speedway Hall of Fame. There is consideralble interest to bring the track up to "spec" to allow vintage and/or other periodic racing events (not necesarily weekly racing). All this will require lots of time...and once again $$$...lots of $$$. I have committed to remain a part of this effort and am very excited about the possibilities. There are NO guarantees at this time...just a heap of interest...and lots of excitement. Stay tuned!Jeff
@henry-jones16 years ago Jeff and Robbie,Our 501C3 Non-Profit organization here in Augusta would be proud to help in any manner possible. As you know the former facility here in Augusta is owned by the public and is being converted into a public park for enjoyment by the masses. Sometimes projects already in place can help with a future project. Attached is the master plan for the former Augusta Road Circuit and also the original lay out. Perhaps these will help.
@henry-jones16 years ago
The Augusta International Raceway Preservation Society (AIRPS) can set up a seperate fund for Columbia if you choose to go that route. This fund would have 501C3 status and would accept tax deductible donations for the Columbia project. This non profit status, through our group or one that is established by you for the Columbia project, is imperative to raising funds from the general public or through grants offered by coorporations. If you begin your own effort for 501C3 non profit status it will take about six months for the process to be successful through the US Treasury Dept.
@jeff-gilder16 years ago
Thanks, Henry! We may call on you for advice as we proceed. We have been discussing the need for the NP501C3. I expect that we will begin the process to to achieve this status as soon as we have a firm plan and committment from the owners.Jeff
@devin16 years ago
Henry,That is wonderful news! I think 501C3 status is the way to go! But I suppose that would all depend on the owners of the property. Count me in as a volunteer for the museum, etc.
@henry-jones16 years ago
The 501C3 can be set up for an organization. It does not mean you have to own the former Columbia Speedway. Get a group together, elect a board of directors, some officers and get the process started.This will also give you a focal point and reason to gather until next years event at the Speedway.Take a look at the AIRPS By-Laws by clicking the link on main page at the tribute site. Here is the link:, let us know how we can help. If AIRPS needs to make a hop over to Columbia just let us know or ya'll come over here. Great Bar-B-Que joints in both towns.Good RacingHenry
@bobby-williamson16 years ago
Jeff, 30,000 fans from 15 states and Peurto-Rico are extremely impressive stats, and figures that are impossible to ignore. Columbia Speedway is quite the asset, one that's proven its merit, and one that any municipality in America would truly treasure. Regardless of past political leanings, the iron-clad demonstration of the speedway's significance by the recent festival can not be ignored. The 'next' step should obviously focus on ways to capture and further promote the incredible tresure that is Columbia Speedway.
@henry-jones16 years ago
Bobby you are correct. AIRPS was able to actually obtain a section of ground (approximately 12,000 square feet) in Diamond Lakes Regional Park, next to the new Community Center/Library Complex because the local officials felt a memorial and the annual event (Augusta Vintage Nationals) would drawn individuals to Augusta. They would stay in our hotels, buy our food, gasoline, etc. In fact the annual event is listed on the government home page! How often do you see that.Columbia Speedway is a treasure and I would encourage an attempt to get the officials in Columbia (perhaps the parks department) to make a trip to Augusta to see what is taking place at the former Augusta International Raceway.
@jim-seay16 years ago
2:25 p.m. June 10Just a few minutes ago, Jeff Gilder and I talked about the things he hopes to accomplish with RR, the same as I think we would all like to see reach fruition.Those of us who have been involved from the start (or virtually at the start) are aware of what this guy is all about and we should do all we can to support his objectives. There are interlopers who want to hi-jack the things we've all accomplished, but - with your involvement - none ofthe subterfuge will subvert what he has a done...and will continue to do.Things are tough in lots of ways...but, we know that.We've a good team, let's keep pulling together to continue to build this unbeatable concept.Hang tough, everyone! You're all winners.
@henry-jones16 years ago
Yes Jim, it is imperative to set sight on goals and not to waver from those objectives. I am not being negative but in just about any group there are some individuals with personal agendas, by design or because of lack of knowledge.AIRPS has been at this for six years and we have experienced these opportunities but the leadership has never wavered from the goal of placing a granite monument to educate the young folks about our great sport. People come and go within the group, but the LEADERSHIP can never waver. Once the "newness" wears off you will understand WHO will be your leaders and WHO will never waver from your original goal.One other point about monuments/memorials. Granite is going to be around for a lot longer than all of us. AIRPS might not survive but what we have placed is not going anywhere and it continues to give our group a rallying pointWe are here to help, just let us know.Henry
Is there a public park nearby or perhaps a space in downtown Cayce?
There are upcoming meetings/discussions regarding future use of the speedway. These meetings will involve city, county, and state government folks, as well as other interested paties...including the owners of the property. We have demonstrated the level of interest in the surrounding areas for preserving this piece of history and will begin these discussions next week. (Preliminary impact figures for the event: appx 30,000 attended the Love Chevrolet Columbia Speedway Spring Festival and RacersReumnion from 15 states and Puerto Rico) Our "ultimate" dream would be to not only preserve...but to include a museum and possibly a Columbia Speedway Hall of Fame. There is consideralble interest to bring the track up to "spec" to allow vintage and/or other periodic racing events (not necesarily weekly racing). All this will require lots of time...and once again $$$...lots of $$$. I have committed to remain a part of this effort and am very excited about the possibilities. There are NO guarantees at this time...just a heap of interest...and lots of excitement. Stay tuned!Jeff
The Augusta International Raceway Preservation Society (AIRPS) can set up a seperate fund for Columbia if you choose to go that route. This fund would have 501C3 status and would accept tax deductible donations for the Columbia project. This non profit status, through our group or one that is established by you for the Columbia project, is imperative to raising funds from the general public or through grants offered by coorporations. If you begin your own effort for 501C3 non profit status it will take about six months for the process to be successful through the US Treasury Dept.
Thanks, Henry! We may call on you for advice as we proceed. We have been discussing the need for the NP501C3. I expect that we will begin the process to to achieve this status as soon as we have a firm plan and committment from the owners.Jeff
Henry,That is wonderful news! I think 501C3 status is the way to go! But I suppose that would all depend on the owners of the property. Count me in as a volunteer for the museum, etc.
The 501C3 can be set up for an organization. It does not mean you have to own the former Columbia Speedway. Get a group together, elect a board of directors, some officers and get the process started.This will also give you a focal point and reason to gather until next years event at the Speedway.Take a look at the AIRPS By-Laws by clicking the link on main page at the tribute site. Here is the link:, let us know how we can help. If AIRPS needs to make a hop over to Columbia just let us know or ya'll come over here. Great Bar-B-Que joints in both towns.Good RacingHenry
Jeff, 30,000 fans from 15 states and Peurto-Rico are extremely impressive stats, and figures that are impossible to ignore. Columbia Speedway is quite the asset, one that's proven its merit, and one that any municipality in America would truly treasure. Regardless of past political leanings, the iron-clad demonstration of the speedway's significance by the recent festival can not be ignored. The 'next' step should obviously focus on ways to capture and further promote the incredible tresure that is Columbia Speedway.
Bobby you are correct. AIRPS was able to actually obtain a section of ground (approximately 12,000 square feet) in Diamond Lakes Regional Park, next to the new Community Center/Library Complex because the local officials felt a memorial and the annual event (Augusta Vintage Nationals) would drawn individuals to Augusta. They would stay in our hotels, buy our food, gasoline, etc. In fact the annual event is listed on the government home page! How often do you see that.Columbia Speedway is a treasure and I would encourage an attempt to get the officials in Columbia (perhaps the parks department) to make a trip to Augusta to see what is taking place at the former Augusta International Raceway.
2:25 p.m. June 10Just a few minutes ago, Jeff Gilder and I talked about the things he hopes to accomplish with RR, the same as I think we would all like to see reach fruition.Those of us who have been involved from the start (or virtually at the start) are aware of what this guy is all about and we should do all we can to support his objectives. There are interlopers who want to hi-jack the things we've all accomplished, but - with your involvement - none ofthe subterfuge will subvert what he has a done...and will continue to do.Things are tough in lots of ways...but, we know that.We've a good team, let's keep pulling together to continue to build this unbeatable concept.Hang tough, everyone! You're all winners.
Yes Jim, it is imperative to set sight on goals and not to waver from those objectives. I am not being negative but in just about any group there are some individuals with personal agendas, by design or because of lack of knowledge.AIRPS has been at this for six years and we have experienced these opportunities but the leadership has never wavered from the goal of placing a granite monument to educate the young folks about our great sport. People come and go within the group, but the LEADERSHIP can never waver. Once the "newness" wears off you will understand WHO will be your leaders and WHO will never waver from your original goal.One other point about monuments/memorials. Granite is going to be around for a lot longer than all of us. AIRPS might not survive but what we have placed is not going anywhere and it continues to give our group a rallying pointWe are here to help, just let us know.Henry