OK, Who Is Going To Step Up!
Henry Jones
Friday August 14 2009, 4:30 PM

There are several Vintage/Historic groups developing or already developed.Some are the Living Legends down in Daytona, the group in Hillsboro, the North Wilkesboro group, the GARHOFA boys in Atlanta, the NVRA group, AIRPS, Columbia Speedway, etc.What about those areas and tracks that NEED groups? Can you help form a club or organization to get the ball rolling?At the AIRPS event on September 12th (6th Annual Augusta Vintage Nationals) we are going to roll out the Motorsports Heritage Sanctioning Body (MHSB) to help individuals get things going in the areas that may not have an official organization. Our group can give some advise on getting up to speed and give some advise on forming a 501C3 Non-Profit Organization if desired.Let us know your questions, comments and suggestions before September 12th.The forming of NASCAR by Bill France way back at Daytona ain't got nothing on this group.Henry
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   16 years ago
Henry, we have started our "prototype" RacersReunion Chapter. It is Team SC Midlands from the Columbia area. It is our plan to develop chapters all across the country to pull together racing history enthusiasts...to recognize each areas racing heritage and to make sure drivers and tracks are not forgotten. Any existing group can become a RR chapter as an added benefit by adopting our charter. It is not our intent to change the way any group operates or to get involved in their operation, but to give them certain advantages they will inherit as a RR chapter. Those advantages include being licensed to sell RR products and memorbilia for fund raisers, the use of our media center for marketing and advertising, and various other types of support from our group.We are also developing and testing a marketing angle that would bring specific benefits to an event by making it a "RacersReunion Event". Those benefits include but are not limited to providing financial support to the events as well as advertising and marketing.I'm not sure how all this fits with your ideas, but we are clearly stronger as a large group than as several smaller groups after the same goal. We also want to offer our support to any group of like-minded folks who share all our passions for the history of racing.
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   16 years ago
Thanks Jeff and we should talk this when we get together! One of the challenges will be to link in the 501C3 groups as one requirement for that status is that those organizations can not be tied to another group and still keep their non-profit status.Henry