Jim Seay
02/21/09 08:21:55PM
Wendell could have been among the truly elite drivers For many years, my late father - Tom Seay - said,"If NASCAR and the NAACP had gotten behind Wendell, he could have been one of the real greats. He would have helped the civil rights cause more than any sit-ins and marches if he hadthe right kind of backing."I've always agreed and liked the man for more reasons than his being a very good racer and one of the hardest wrokiing men in the sport. What he did with so little help is still remarkable. He became beloved by many because of his competitiveness, grit and determination. I'll always consider him to be a champion.Ned Jarrett, another hero in my mind, did what he could to assist Wendell by getting Lee Iacocca and Ford Motor Company to provide Wendell a better piece of equipment and some parts. Just imagine what he would have been able to do with a full crew, a well-equipped shop and the things he needed to succeed even more than he did.If ever a new, young driver comes from the community of blacks, he will have to live up to a great example exmplified by Mr. Scott to earn my respect but will do so with political correctness backing him. Wendell didn't have that advantage.Maybe those in the sport who didn't give the man his due will recognize his contributions by steppoing up to honor the memory of that geat driver by helping his younger brothers who share the same ethnicity.Jim Seay
chuck sellman

Red Line 7000 is the best I have ever seen!!!

Red Line 7000 had everything. It even had a Daytona Coupe in a ditch. I have the DVD, VHS and Laser Disk. Since the topic is Best Racing Movies,...
@chuck sellman started 13 years ago - replies: 0
TMC Chase

Greg Fielden's books

I count myself fortunate to have Greg Fielden's Forty Years of Stock Car Racing series of books. I'm really glad I bought them when they were...
@TMC Chase started 13 years ago - replies: 2
TMC Chase

With Daytona just around the corner

Two good ones about Daytona racing. I highly doubt this one has been in print in over 20+ years. Written by Bill Neely, who wrote many other...
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TMC Chase

More of my Petty collection

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@TMC Chase started 13 years ago - replies: 0
Harvey Tollison

Racing movies

I agree on Tiny Lund Hard Charger was the best , even though my sister is seen in it kissing Richard Petty
@Harvey Tollison started 13 years ago - replies: 2
TMC Chase

My review of Ray Fox book

Ray Lamm mentioned Godwin Kelly's book about Ray Fox. A couple of years ago, I wrote a review about it as well as one by Dr. Stephen Olvey about...
@TMC Chase started 13 years ago - replies: 1
dewey livengood

racing movies

red line 7000 and thunder in the carolinas were the best sure hope nobody puts that tom cruise movie on
@dewey livengood started 13 years ago - replies: 0
Jeff Gilder

Looking for an old Racing Movie?

I along with everyone else I know would like to have a copy of the 1967 Tiny Lund Movie, Hard Charger. If anyone has a copy...let me know.
@Jeff Gilder started 13 years ago - replies: 0
Jeff Gilder

Have you read Declarations of Stock Car Independents?

These stories are virtually unedited! Just as they were told to author, Perry Allen Wood. I enjoyed them all.
@Jeff Gilder started 13 years ago - replies: 1
Jeff Gilder

Good Old Days Series Rules

@Jeff Gilder started 13 years ago - replies: 2
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