TMC Chase
02/10/12 12:25:53AM
Greg Fielden's books

I count myself fortunate to have Greg Fielden's Forty Years of Stock Car Racing series of books. I'm really glad I bought them when they were originally published - though I admittedly gulped at the time at investing $125 in them. Today, I use them regularly for research. Plus, the cost of getting a single volume on varying websites often exceeds $125.

Fielden also wrote the book about Charlotte Motor Speedway that Ray Lamm posted earlier.

He also wrote Rumblin' Ragtops about NASCAR's convertible series. I don't have it; however, I've requested it recently through our local library to read a bit about King Richard's first professional race start at Columbia Speedway with the top down.

Greg would make a GREAT addition to this site - if anyone knows how to persuade him to join us here.

Jeff Gilder

Donations Racing Legends Medical Hardship Fund Phone: 336-259-0981 Email: Racing Legends Medical...
@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 0
Jeff Gilder

Racing Legends Medical Hardship Fund Board Members

Board MembersAll members of the board are family members of racers and racing. Our current board members are Gary Lewallen, Chairman, Frances...
@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 0
Leslie L. Lucas

Uncle Bobby

Maybe someone remembers my brother. His name was Bobby Lucas. He raced some in the early 1950's. He raced at Rome speedway, chulio speedway in...
@Leslie L. Lucas started 12 years ago - replies: 0
Tim Leeming

To Johnny Mallonee

Johnny, to answer your question, that was probably Savannah as that is the only race I can recall we started side by side on the front row although...
@Tim Leeming started 12 years ago - replies: 0
Jeff Gilder

Old Fayetteville Speedway Memorabilia

Credit for these beauties. June 1, 1974
@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 25
Bobby Williamson

Edgecombe/Tarboro Speedway

Was Edgecombe and Tarboro Speedway the same track? According to it was located at the "Tarboro Fairgrounds...."...
@Bobby Williamson started 12 years ago - replies: 2
Jeff Gilder

Get Red Vogt into the NASCAR Hall of Fame!

If you have any Red Vogt stories, Post them here in the comments...or start a new thread.
@Jeff Gilder started 12 years ago - replies: 1
Dennis Andrews

Anson Speedway

Bobby Williamson "The Bopper" did a ghost track segment on Racing Through History one night about two tracks located in Wadesboro, NC. This could...
@Dennis Andrews started 12 years ago - replies: 1
Bill Rossi

Pete Hamilton

Does anyone know where Mr. Hamilton lives? I have someting I would like to get autographed if possible. Or a way to get intouch with him.Bill
@Bill Rossi started 12 years ago - replies: 0
Johnny Mallonee


Today is the day in 2000 that Adam Petty left us Anyone else remember ????
@Johnny Mallonee started 12 years ago - replies: 0
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