Some of the rules Big Bill France had in the late 40s and early 50s
Jim Streeter
Monday June 1 2009, 10:14 AM
One of the main safety rule was " only cars that had factory installed all metal roofs", this eliminated all Fords from 36 back and Chevys from 34 back.Only engines from the same manufacture could be used. No Chrysler in Fords or GMCs in Dodges.BUT everyone was looking for a loophole!Result a 1933 Essex appeared (All Metal Roof) , with a Hudson Hornet engine at Bowman Gray.Yes!, The Hudson, Terraplane and Essex were all part of the Hudson Motor Co.On a 1/4 mile flat asphalt track it was hard to beat. Alvin Hawkins (promoter)finally came up with some technical reason not to allow it.Side note: Guess who swept up after the wrecks at Bowman Gray? Bill France Jr.
Jim Seay
@jim-seay   15 years ago
Jim...I sent a note this (Sunday, Feb 14) morning requesting that you call me at 781-5877. Just by the facts you've posted about the early days of your racing career, we jhave a lot we can talk about for a couple of s tories I want to do for our Raceres Reunion event at the speedway from April 14-17.Maybe we can meet for lunch...somewhere like the Flight Deck in Lexington. Do you have any pictures of your racig days that I can have scanned?Please call anytime...leave a message if I"m not here. My number is 781-5877.Thank you,Jim Seay