There were many young people at yesterday's car show.
Jim Streeter
Sunday August 9 2009, 11:10 AM
Fat Boy's parking lot was full.To most of them Kyle Petty was an "old time driver".Mention Bobby Allison and they had a blank look on their face.Fonty Flock, never heard of him !I've decided to (while I'm alive) spread the word.
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   16 years ago
Spread the word!Jim, AIRPS encourages anyone and everyone who has the means to get involved in our "5Wkids Outdoor Learning Area" project here in Augusta located in Motorsports Memorial Plaza at the former track that is being developed into Diamond Lakes Regional Park.You hit the nail on the is the kids that will move the history of motorsports forward! Our feelings here in Augusta are that there is no better way to do this than to continue to expand the granite memorial currently on the ground. This monument contains the names of over 200 former drivers and the granite benches being placed display the names of former tracks. One of the posibilities that we talk about is having the different developing vintage/historic organization sponsor a bench for placement listing their favorite track. Our organization is attempting to get enough benches in place to sit an entire classroom of kids. We want them to take in the outdoor surroundings, ask questions about the drivers and tracks and take that knowledge to others. Kids are the key if we are to share our knowledge about motorsports with future generations.
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   16 years ago
Henry, what a great idea! Hopefully when the younger generation looks this over they take Grandpa and Grandma to share the stories. Mom and Dad will remember some, but the old folks have the real knowledge.Pete
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   16 years ago
To Jim and Tim sounds like it was a big turn out wish i could have been there was in A T L Sat and Sun but will be at the next one