John Betts

#29 Bill Hollar 1976 Cam 2 Motor Oil 400 @ Michigan

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Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   14 years ago
I'm sure this is Bill Hollar's car, but the results show Walter Ballard finishing 31st with engine failure in the 29 car. John, do you remember the photo session when the cars came to the front straightaway and they parked head on to the fence? Bill Hollar was parked right next to the 21 car driven to the fence by Leonard Wood. I think it was 1976. I lost all my pictures from that day.
John Betts
@john-betts   14 years ago
I have the starting positions sheet that came with the program and a paper clipping of the finalfinishingorder. Both have Bill Hollar listed as the driver of the # 29 car. I remember the photo sessions, I haven't ranacross the pictures I took at them yet. I'm sure I have all the pictures I took back then. It just takes me a long time to get them all scanned.
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   14 years ago
I'm so glad you have the sheets John. I knew Bill ran at least one race at MIS but the results printed up in the programs show no Bill Hollar. I became a big fan of Bill from the track autograph session because of all the interest he had for his fans. He would pose wherever we asked him and that meant so much to me. BTW, Bill is a member of Racers Reunion and I sent him your picture in his comments section to make sure he saw it. Drop him a note...he's a very good man.
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