Johnny Mallonee
Friday July 6 2012, 8:30 PM

Hey Danica Do you remember me??
A while back a couple of drivers squared off to settle a dispute that had been growing around the pits for some time. Seems as though one was kinda better than the other on longer tracks but the other was a better short track driver. One of them was out of the ritzy side of the track and the other was kinda the working class type person.
This past year both had been on a tear across their circuits and was making their selves known far and wide. Some say that the outcome of this will turn the tide in racing.
We have been trying to level the playing field by offering them exact same cars to run on dirt but one said that was an unfair advantage for one of them.
I cant imagine a real driver turning down a race but I guess some are fickle that way.
Race day came and both parties were fuming because it was after racing season and the weather was getting cold but the cars were there and the stands were pretty well packed to see the outcome of this grudge match.
Drivers meeting was held with some pretty big guys keeping these two apart because words were already being thrown back and forth. Rules were the best of five races and each race was of fifteen laps on a 3/8 mile track thats not banked like the tracks both are used to. They flip a coin to see who starts on the inside and if one spins out the race halts till they back together.Dont want someone being spun out then left behind. Cars can be worked on between each race. the winner of the race just finished will start behind the other in next race.
No rough driving like deliberately spinning the other out,but rubbin is allowed in racing because that brings character out. each driver is given ten laps alone on the track to get familiar with the car because they are not like what either are used to.
The two cars were pitted on each end of the track to keep down the threats between crew members and drivers too it seems.
Its race time folks and each are brought out independently and lined up. Each car has a number on it and one is 69 and the other is 96. that way they are different but alike still.
Cars are fired up and given one lap behind the pace car before green flag, and they are off and into turn one they go, 69 wants to pass early on the inside but no door open there so down the back stretch they fly and again the pass is tried but still no room. This goes on until oops up the track 96 slides a little but just enough to get a wheel under and then they touch,both go sliding into the grass and its reline up time after only 8 laps. Man every one is in their seats on this one because this is off to a great matchup, green flag again and they are side by side going into turn one and both make it through without touching,must have learned something last time. First race is over with 96 in front by 2 car links.
Second race is lined up with 96 in rear again and off they go into turn one and again they clear ,barely. Seems as though both are getting the handle on their car now, but its only second race and bam it happens again, they come out of turn 4 and 96 goes high to kinda slingshot the other but it dont work exactly, well lets just say both wanted the same part of the track at the same time. They bounce off each other and now no body is set up to hit the turn right and one goes way high up to the fence and gets a mini darlington stripe on the car,the other is down in the infield arguing with a tire thats protecting a lightpole.
Both are able to continue and 96 takes number 2 race,thats two races out of five,one more and they are the winner.
Next race they line up again and 69 is out front again but this time the driver seems a little more in focus and is driving the game they know instead of letting the show get away. they raced side by side to the flag and 69 won by inches,it was real close.
Now it was getting hairy and only two races left and off they went again but this time they were racing and rubbing every lap with no real advantage and on the last lap they are real aggressive now and coming out of turn four both hook up and spin and slide across finish line and another photo finish and it took a photo to tell the winner this time and the crowd is going wild now because this type of racing doesnt happen every day. Number four goes to 69 so now its two each.
Cars are checked and lined up and each driver is told this is for the gold,thats right there is a prize at the end of the rainbow on this one.
Green flag and wow they are cooking this time but only two laps before they hook up and spin. Cars are lined up and off they go and the eventual winner of this match up which is probably being watched in just about every state in the nation goes to--------oh by the way, I guess we will have to wait and see who the eventual winner is when Ronda and Danica actually hook up and settle this matter of who is better in a real car. But now you have something to look forwards to in racing in the near future.

If any really paid attention to the above referenced track, it was described in this short story back over a year ago. well now such track exists,yes its the little track that can and does hold weekly races old school style.

Now the next part of the puzzle is to get Danica down for a weekend and put an actual date to this race. I think Ronda could be made available for this.

Neither driver is an expert at this dirt flat short track so I see a high content of feminine touching being played out.. Maybe the great PKL will be grand Marshall over this event .. Time will Tell .

Mike Sykes
@mike-sykes   13 years ago
I would pay my admission to see this race. When is it. Danica probably could not do it due to her contract with Tony and or Jr. Or maybe Go Daddy would be scared that our little honey bun might outrun her.
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