Johnny Mallonee
Thursday August 6 2009, 1:27 PM
It seems as though the public has went to sleep out there,used to be kindof a regular input to the blog here but all of a sudden it has went silent----now why is that I wonder----not all take this lengthy of a siesta so I am going to have to ask the King of Gab about this---------------HEY "TIMMMM"!!!!!
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   15 years ago
Boy i am surprised Tim no comment give him time
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Hey you mean there is a negitive out there??? wow somebody get him a season pass to those seats that are in turn 4 down low will you----we will have to make manditory for half the cars run high JUST so he will get his share of good ole southern R E D dirt for the year--- also tell him its not nice to mess with the Man!!!! you know---------memories
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