new excitement
Johnny Mallonee
Saturday August 8 2009, 1:45 PM
If you really wanted to draw the thrill back to racing you would1) keep the double lane restarts2) start the fastest cars in the rear--sandbagers?the cars that are tops in points go to the rear--inverted start--that gives everyone equal chance because the faster cars are coming,as jj did last sun from 3 laps down3)keep the scraps between drivers that draws crowds4)make the cars so you can tell a toyota from a dodge,this new pony league type car may be a start5)put dirt back into the show,there are means now to control dust,this will put excitement back into the show and equalize cars more6) control the spending owners put out on the cars,limit tire size down to 8 in.,put 2 barrel carbs on them --the tires will slow cars down and put on more of a show-- look at bristol7) dont be so specific on what car looks like just dont deviate from what showroom looks like8) i could go on but let someone else add to the list--there are smarter people in this group than me --
Chris Jr
@chris-jr   15 years ago
Let the guys run over each other! Let there be fights!
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
not what it said,the arguments between drivers fill the stands and running over each other only happens when you drive on the public hiwaysevidently you dont watch much tv ever watched these wrestling matches???look at the crowds they draw ---over two guys "supposedly " arguing---come on dont be so down on nascar and the aintics thats been going on before you were thought of -- not being mean but its a sport and i guess all sports have 2 sides --
@bumpertag   15 years ago
Now that's a new way to look at it. The title, New Excitement, makes me think back before the COT was implemented when me and my Office Racers were talking about what the COT may do to racing. The splitter and tthe wing scared us to death, not to mention the bodies would be identical except for the nose and stickers. We kicked around a few ideas that we thought would bring back the great racing and add to the excitement. Here was my ideas.1 - I'm all for safety so give the drivers all they need and continue to work to improve safety for everyone at the track. By saying that the first throught I have is to slow the cars down. Whoa, Whoa... don't panic, hear me out on the point. It's a given that at speeds of 190 plus the cars can become airborne and this is much too damgerous for the fans. Also, with more speed the quality of the racing decreases. It becomes nothing more than follow the leader, or as I call it, Parking lot Racing. The key is to slow the cars down a little in a way that will improve the racing.First thing I'd do is look back at the cars of the past and understand why the racing was so good. Make the cars more like the showroom versions. The Ol boxy cars were not nearly as aerodynamic or dependent on airflow to stick the cars to the track. So, get rid of the splitter and raise the bumper and bring back the Chin Spoiler and have it to at least 4 inches off the ground. Flaten the nose and grill area just a little and stand the windshield up a few degrees. The cockpit should remain wide and tall to ensure safety for the driver. Back on the deck lid, get rid of the wing and put a 2-3 inch spoiler. These steps will slow the cars, cause lets face it, the aero grip would be gone and it would make the teams got back to mechanical grip. NASCAR could remove the restricter plates because everyone would have to lift when they get to the turns at Daytona and Dega. This would put the racing back into the hands of the drivers and help seperate the really good drivers from the steering wheel holders.2 - Limit the money and number of team under one owner. I wish I knew how to do this, but I think this is a must. The Roush's and Hendrick's are too big and without some kind of limits, I'm afraid this will continue to hurt the sport. I read where Aflac is paying 75 million dollars for 3 years to sponsor the 99 car. I saw where Bud was paying 25 million a year when they were on the 8 car, and the amount increased each year throughout the life of the contract. This is whats killing the sport. Some sport have salary caps, maybe NASCAR should impose and ENFORCE real sponsor caps.That's my take.Bumpertag in SC
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
You know if you would actually set down and clear your head for a minute then you could see that what i wrote and what you wrote are actually one in the same --just we using different adjectives to describe what the issue really is------better,cheaper,safer,more exciting,nailbiting and most important of all just DANG GOOD RACING like we used to have ---------memories
@bumpertag   15 years ago
I guess you're right. I don't like the dirt part or putting the fast drivers in the rear, but for the more part we agree. One more thing I disagree with is, I hate Bristol.
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
you are coming to A I R this year arent you---i cant wait to work on your ear on a few minor points of interest in your statements---we might just be in agreement in most respects---not in bed together but in the same house--if you know what i mean -----------------memories
Chris Jr
@chris-jr   15 years ago
What I mean is, when a guy gets run over, let them settle it. If Robby Gordon wants to break somone nose, dang it let him. If they want to throw a helmet, LET THEM! I know this is a sport, I understand that. But not every fan wants to watch cars go around in circles. Back in the old days, guys would hit eachother, they would fight, and argue. Those were the good days of NASCAR. Regulating everything sucks. I guess what I'm saying is, let the drivers and teams show their emotions.
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
you know this could get blown out of proportion you need read a little into this stuff all thats said is true to a point but this can be controlled by officials===== i came up thru this and yes it would seem that the slower cars would get run over but they didnt and it made the guys up front try harder because they got a taste of leading the race and you know some back markers got points they dont get now but it sure made for better racing
Chris Jr
@chris-jr   15 years ago
I'm talking about my first comment. I was adding to what you wrote. I'm talking about the blog. I would like to see the fastest guys start from the back. It would make it interesting. I agree with the post, I'm just adding to the post, I guess, what you should've posted that to blog. Wouldn't you like to see the guys hit each other? Everything being regulated just stinks. Why can't it be like the 80's, Bill Eliott cheating by making the width of his car smaller. Those were the good days. I think the current NASCAR is starting to come out of the regulations because, if you look at todays race, it's ten times better than a year or two before because they are lossing tv ratings. All that I meant by my first comment is that you should've put in the blog that NASCAR needs to let the guys hit each other. I didn't mean anything by it.
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
point well taken sir you are in there
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