e mails chasing you
Johnny Mallonee
Saturday August 15 2009, 2:02 PM
I was wondering if people read all their e mails that pertain to S..C.R.R or do they ignore them or block them ---or maybe they actually read them---that's the fun part because 9 times out of 10 they are hillarous ---now why would you want to deprive yourself a laugh or two . Any way was just wondering because if you turn off the alerts you may just miss something important that someone says----heck even Tim gets a few out with some knowledge in them -------------------------memories
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
just rocking the boat boss ----- just rocking the boat-----------------------------------------memories
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   15 years ago
I read every one I get. Sometimes I read Tim's twice to make sure I got everything. I don't want to miss a single thought.
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