" O U R" Man of the hour
Johnny Mallonee
Thursday September 3 2009, 1:54 PM
Well I hope everyone made it back from the reunion safe and sound with all sorts of memories on film and in their head.It would probably have done everyone there good to make at least one lap around the track,its not to far,but after all is said and done there is "still "one person that I havent seen mentioned in the notes and blogs from the outing.Because even with all the doings of Tim and Ray I think all involved should line up and give "Mr.Jeff Glider" a round of applause and shake his hand .Why you say? Without his tireless pressing on from one thing to another taking all the kinks and bumps out of this site most of you would be lost in the stands hunting the action,Jeff brought you the action plus the memories that you have forgotten. You say not?If this site has not brought back something you may have let slip from your mind or flat forgotten about then you dont belong here.It has surely brought back many treasured memories and some best forgotten . But enough about us,how about Jeff,I know its was his passion to create this site but think of all the lost sleep and places he could have went instead of setting up late at night banging away on his computer not to mention all the videos he has made for your enjoyment. I think he needs a special note of thanks from each and every one at this site--now ive done mine,you do yours-----------------------memories
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Wait a minute here, intimidate me??? are you serious?? My nickname has and always will be as my mother said you are nothing but an "agitator"!! So now lets try that again--MR LEEMING I hope you can withstand the aggravation and fun that will be displayed towards you and others there because ---------------------you my friend -----deserve it ---Oh by the way, that was what it said on my trunk lid when I passed you--- back in the day----------------------------------------------memories
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
oooooo your memory is slipping --especially about savannah
Dustin Gilder
@dustin-gilder   15 years ago
Oh this is getting good....let me get the camera......
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
better bring a spare roll cause he is in trouble now ---first he marks my car with a doughnut then bends left rear then sends me on a side trip off turn 1into the pits in col --- but his memory is convenient i see on other activities---------------------gonna be fun fun fun til Mrs Ann takes the t-bird away----------------------memories
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   15 years ago
Right thanks Jeff Gilder for makeing all of this vintage stuff so Popular A K A Joe Fan
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
Thanks for all the kind words!!! I get a lot of support from many great people or none of this would be possible. Dustin has been a major part of RR and our ability to do all this "hi-tech" stuff.(It's hi-tech to me, anyway). Robbie has taken a huge load off me as he handles the site admin. Tim, Jim, Ray, Devin, Leon, Jimmy, Jimmy, John, John, Leo, Wayne, Phil, and all the folks that get on here and share memories and spread the word about what we do are all part of making this successful. We are especially grateful to the wonderful sponsors who support us... Rob Amos and the gang at Geoff Bodine's Waxing Frenzy, Love Chevrolet, Hardees, Lizard's Thickett, Maurices BBQ, Classic Auto Replicas , Lee Roy Mercer's Hot Sauce.. the best part of the whole deal is the people and associations we have connected with...like the guys at the Historic Speedway Group, the Augusta International Raceway Preservation Society, Memory Lane Museum, the Georgia Auto Racing Hall of Fame, JB Day's Riverbend Museum, and Bobby Sellers and Sellers and Sons Holding Company with the Columbia Speedway. I suppose I could go on and on about this...and still not mention all the folks who make this possible...and then there's Johnny Mallonee who gets on here and keeps things stirred up. And I've noticed that some of our very first members...Jim Seay, Bobby Williamson, Tim Leeming, Robbie Solesbee, Dargan Watts, Jack Walker, and Jim Wilmore are still here everyday participating and helping to spread the word. So I feel like I'm the one who owes everybody a great big "THNAK YOU". I love this stuff!Jeff
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