the un natural
Johnny Mallonee
Thursday September 10 2009, 7:08 PM
Seems as though someone may have hit on the real problem that Timmy ole boy has had all along, the boy is missing the ghosts in front of him . Every encounter I have had with that boy I blamed on that batmobile he was driving because it was truly a three lane car . But now maybe the truth is really surfacing and I have been hard on him over something that was actually not the cars fault but in fact it was truly what he was seeing or rather what he was not seeing because when you would catch up to him,now mind you give the devil his dues it was a fairly fast running pilgrim and when you would come up behind him it was all over the track especially going into a turn , I mean he could tie up a super walmart parking lot better than a half price sale on payday with all that sliding he done .So the real truth is----- he was seeing things or maybe the hair was getting into his eyes making him think he was -----------------------------memories
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