You know if we took that ole car out behind the old garage
Johnny Mallonee
Thursday October 8 2009, 7:24 PM
It was a cool day in October when these three guys got the hankering to go to a race coming up in a few weeks.There was an old car that had been started to be built into a race car setting in the old car bone yard,so they went and brought it back home so they could get busy building a real race car.The biggest trouble was they didn't really live close to each other,so they came up with a plan that they would take the car to whoever wanted to work on it. They would go hook up to it and drag it to their house. This was progress in its primitive form but it was progress.Well time got to be an issue because there was a big blowout going to happen down at the old track south of them a few miles and they sure as tootin wasn't gonna miss it. Some of the wives were concerned because husbands were getting out of their sight so their local help changed regular.The work on that old Studebaker was haphazard to start with because whoever had it before was even more haphazard on work. So now their objective was in front of them and come hell or high water they were going to be at the track.Someone said they read in the paper that there was going to be a TV film crew there and boy wouldn't that be neat to get on TV so mama could see us.Work was non stop now to get the old flathead six in top condition for the weekend. First off the body needed a little straightening out and the fenders were,well they were not right.One said lets bob them and make it look shorter,they agreed something had to be done and a little paint too wouldn't hurt either. A guy from the power plant came by and welded the roll bars in good so no one would get hurt in case of a rollover.Work progressed and now there were coming up to the deadline to get ready to go. They were all staying at one house while this is going on and Als wife was getting short tempered with them making such a mess in the yard much less what was happening in the house with three kids and now two more big kids.Well the big weekend is coming up and expectations are getting higher now as the time draws near.Someone has let them borrow a trailer to make the tow there and back because someone said flat towing wasn't safe anymore.Well they were big cats now with a trailer to go to the track. They also pulled it around town to let everyone see the new paint job on the Studebaker. Everyone was sure proud of that red car.There is a big race Saturday for them high priced cars and the tv crew was staying over Sunday for when they have this big car show and race for the other cars.This is what Al and Leroy wanted to enter in.They done went and got an old driver from up in the hills to come down and drive for them so everyone is on cloud nine.Someone asked if there was a firesuit in the bunch and an old helmet ,Leroy came up with an old helmet they repainted and the firesuit,well an old pair of coveralls was taken down to the local wash house because they were restricted from doing any dying in the house washer, they even went to the discount store in town and bought three shirts to dye the same color.Boy what a team they gonna make for Sundays show.Friday nite comes around and they think ,lets go down to the local track and see if we can pick up any pointers for our venture.So off they went to the track down close to the pines for a nite of schooling and boy did they go to school.They left there with so many ideas in their head that nobody got any sleep .they went home and set on the porch all nite dreaming of what it was going to be like down there Sunday.Saturday came and they loaded up with half the neighborhood out wishing them off,heck even the local cops escorted them out of town in a friendly way.About an hour into the trip one decided they should stop and check everything up at the gas station on the right,which made good sense to the others.After a walkaround checking chains and kicking tires a walk out back was called for then back on the road they went.Next little town they come to another car pulls out pulling another racecar and now they feeling like they got one of them things going called a convoy.Just about dusk they pulled in to a lot beside a motel and they get out among about a hundred other cars coming to the event.Wow rooms are going to be hard to get here ill bet with all these people here. Leroy chimes in and says my daddy called down here and made us reservations, so now they strutting in style now.Sunday morning comes and the parking lot is a big buzz with everyone lining up to enter the speedway grounds. But wait,where is their driver,he was supposed to be here by now.The day is going bad really quick with no driver to sign in with.Their turn to enter pits came and well no driver was here to sign in so Leroy signs in as designated driver even though he promised he wouldnt get down here and make a scene.All that done and they park and unload to get ready to show their stuff. Flatheads were being tuned up and a couple of big sixes were making a fuss on other end of pit. A guy walks by and says where did yall find a set up like this for a studebaker six? Leroy chimes in we made it ourself in our shop in town.Well others came by and looked and before long that tv crew was setting up to do a session on the car.Well leroy and Rob didnt have a bunch of time to do interviews so another guy walked up and started talking about the car and what was done to it,both looked up and low and behold there stood about half the neighborhood from home, why they even had on shirts that were dyed the same color as the driving suit ,now thats support from a small town.Well the car show is over and the race is finished,the boys didnt win but they finished in a respectable spotin the race and got a mention at the car show and all the town got up and cheered when the checkered flag fell.Story on news that afternoon on local tv has a special about local boys score big at the car show and race Sunday afternoon with a car built in their home town. Headlines in Mondays paper say the group is destined to become the future of racing in these parts.Oh by the way I dont think I never did tell you the two brothers last name did I ?
Bobby Williamson
@bobby-williamson   15 years ago
When I grow up, I wanna be just like them boys!!
Jack Carter
@jack-carter   15 years ago
Bobby and Donnie Allison ?
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
have you been following the antics of bobby-jim and slim as they get ready to go to rockingham?
Jim Wilmore
@jim-wilmore   15 years ago
I'm printing this story...will have to break it out someday when I tell the story to my grandkids. Wouldn't want to leave any "facts" out. LOL!
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