the power of a laptop owner
Johnny Mallonee
Friday October 9 2009, 11:16 AM
Ever thought of the mass of books and magazines that Tim Leeming would amass in his study,heck his whole house to be able to have the information that he possesses at the end of that one finger he types with? Imagine trying to find out what happened in 1971 at the fairgrounds speedway today. You would have to call on Robbie or Pete or maybe Henry to answer that for you.But thanks to todays knowledgeably of people on the internet you can ask a question and you will get an answer pretty quick.So with that said if you were not tuned in last nite to the original or lets say the first broadcast of the new R A C E R S R E U N I O N R A D I O and S T A R S network then you my friend are behind times.Everyone who is affiliated with "R/R" should give Jeff,for his vision,and Dustin,for his knowledge of broadcasting, a B I G thank you for last nite and many nites to come broadcast .T H A N K Y O U " Jeff and Dustin "
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
i know tim you are a great man--not everybody can be number ONE in your book ONLY A SELECT FEW have the respect you grace on them with wave of your hand
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Tim without finding you at the start here i dont know where i would be but you have definetly made it pleasurable here but now part of my quest has been accomplished so at least i have found the person who bent my dang car and run me off the track then wanted to go dancing-- now where else could that have been brought back to the present but at--- R/R--- and meeting you again my friend. BUT YOU JUST REMEMBER--That race was for a certain time our" friendship is forever"
@devin   15 years ago
Ok, Joe. Count me in if this should ever happen. I'll be the flag person and inventory manager. If not on the ground, definitely in heaven one day!
@devin   15 years ago
Yep, me too! We just never know what can happen. Making a dream reality is the best.
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