Dirt- grease- chickens- and racing
Johnny Mallonee
Sunday October 11 2009, 1:07 AM
She grew up about a mile from the old speedway just outside of town but never went to any of the races.After high school off to college she went for a proper education to become a nurse.After her college she started a career in medicine at the hospital in her hometown. She worked almost every weekend at the hospital caring for all that came. What really got her attention were the drivers that came in to the hospital with minor to serous injuries that seemed to come from the track outside of town. One afternoon she went and loaded up a medical bag and said she was going to see why these guys were injuring themselves so regular.A big crowd had made their way out this day and people were standing everwhere waiting for the start. She worked her way over to the ambulance and set down wondering why she came out to this dust bowl and intense heat. Well prerace being over the cars started rolling around the track prepairing for what was going to be the final race of the year.Green flag and off they went,forty three cars set sail into the turn,she said thats suicidal to all go in that turn so fast with hardly no vision at all. After fifteen laps caution flag came out and they slowed to a crawl waiting for the cars to get straightened out after the spinout. Here come one in off the track and stopped in the infield and got out. He was white as a ghost and sweating profusely and started walking towards the care center. She saw him coming and went for her bag.While getting him settled down and cooling off they started taking his information and life history. He had grew up in town about the same time as she had but neither knew each other but had mutual friends. His vitals were not the best and she insisted him to go to the hospital to be checked over.Off to the hospital he went in the ambulance while she stayed to see who the next victim would be. After several scrapes and bruises were attended to the race finally was over with no real emergency today,thank goodness.After wishing all good day at the care center she headed back to the hospital wishing for a long hot shower. Her apartment was across from the hospital so she parked and went home to clean up and get something to eat. While in the shower she got the call from the hospital that she was needed asap,doesn't it always happen that way?The guy she had sent to the hospital was still in emergency room awaiting care. This did not set good with her at all so off to a room she went with him for testing but he didnt make it,flat out on the floor he fell,passed out cold from heat exposure.After a few days in the hospital he was able to go home and back to work he hoped. Getting back up to speed took a day or two. He went to town to eat at the diner and there set his doctor eating a sandwich and reading the paper,he walked up and spoke to her and they started talking,first one thing then another when the reason she was looking in the paper came around.Seems as her old car was in dire need of a replacement and she was shopping in the want ads. He offered to take her over to the big city to help her find a new car being as he was out and about that day,so she took him up.It was about an hour drive over to the city and he asked her did she have something in mind. She said no so he turned up the road he knew went into town and by an old speedway that had been closed for a few years,as he came up to it he remarked to her he was going to slow down and look at it if it was ok with her.He turned in to the old driveway and seen it looked like the place was ready to race again .Trash was gone ,grass mowed,trees were cut and hauled off like nothing had ever closed.He stopped and they got out looking at the track when he said his dad raced here many years ago.Wow are you sure ? Yup it was in 73 when he won his last race here and I was a little guy then.Over her head hung a sign that you could make out,it said sponsored by Love Chevrolet. Now isnt that a coincidence you needing a car and they got a sign hanging over your head here.That afternoon she drove home in a pretty blue Camero with him following back home behind.A few days later she went back to the dealership to get some work done and was waiting in the lounge when a friendly guy with sunglasses and a big cowboy hat with what looked like feathers stuck in front. He sat down and was talking to Jim the sales man that sold her the car. Jim went out to do something and the guy started a conversation up with her. When Jim walked back in and said you two know each other? Big guy said nope and Jim said I thought you did because old chickenfarmers boy from ,whats that town called,brought her up to buy her a car. Well that set old big hat off into roll of if he had known you were his girl I would have introduced myself proper . Before she could get it out otherwise Big hat brought up the big festival that was fixing to take place out at the old track and what a grand ole time it was going to be. He proceeded to tell her the story behind the old track and when it closed and how long it had taken his group with the help of various local people to get it back to where it was.Finally he ran out of steam and she was fixing to tell him she was no girl of a chickenfarmer when Jim reappeared with the news that her car wouldnt be ready for a day or two but he had called her boyfriend to come get her,if that was all right with her. She set down and waited and about thirty minutes later here he came in smiling big as day.On the way home she told him what was said about the track and that there was a concert planned for that weekend. On cue he chimed in we must go then because ive heard that there was to be some great eating there also. To herself she thought now look what ive got myself into now but ok i'll go just this time.They got there about two pm on Saturday , the place was a madhouse. After finding a parking place they walked up to get their ticket when they were spotted,or at least he was.They got taken in VIP style and given special badges to wear. Now she was curious as to who this guy she was with really is. Old big hat came up and introduced a group that was with him as his team of midlands or someting like that.later that nite they finally got full or tired or something so off to home they went.Next day her car was delivered to her on a fancy rollback that had a chicken on the side of it and now that has got her mind totally out of whack as to who and what was going on.Next day she went to her dads house and told the story of what went on and he laughed at her. Seems as though the story had already made it to him by way of ole big hat as he and big hat had raced together in the seventys. And to her surprise the guy who's dad was a chicken farmer was well off and a famous driver also.So now she was not only known as his girl now,not that he wasnt good looking and polite as all get out, but now the folks that came to the hospital began asking for her.Next year was supposed to be a great year around the southeast for racing and the chicken racing team was geared for it big time,they even named the car RoHo after the cartoon rooster. So for a gal that never went to a race before, she sure fell into it bigtime now with a boyfriend that was not only cute but a heck of a driver.Now talks were going on about them going into the bush cars to race and that concerned her,because this would take them away from their home where everybody was friends .She had gotten involved with that group that bighat had going and another girl there called Unique and her were good friends now and both were highly involved in the track functions in the big city. So this year has blew by and all the banquets and the hall of fame are open with prominent names in place now, and then,. One last show sunday over at the track south of the pines area is left then everyone will go back and gear up for a bigger and better next year because there will be more shows to go to and there are rumors of a couple of tracks that are going to sponsor special events.This last week there has been a new radio show called "Stars" thats devoted especially to the sport thats got a bunch wound up and then there is some guy and his son over on the coast that is taking the race scene by storm with a kind of recognition reunion called Stock Car Racers Reunion .So folks it looks like next year is going to be real busy for the racing scene and the hospital is going to have a vacancy soon because there is a new addition coming to the racing scene real soon too. The chicken business is booming and well that car company in town that got most of this started is setting records too.------------memories
Unique Hiram
@unique-hiram   15 years ago
Love the story Johnny :o)
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   15 years ago
Johnny, you need to write this stuff down for a series of short stories to be published at a later date.You and do that while Jay continues the "Racers and Chasers" CD series.The guys/girls here at RacersReunion continue to amaze me!
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