Sound of a Yeller Jacket
Johnny Mallonee
Saturday October 31 2009, 11:41 PM
One night a few years ago we had pulled over to Greenwood Mississippi to a little dirt track we had been hearing about having a good pay schedule with good tow money.The track was indeed a cool setup with it having some tight turns banked pretty good and long straightaways but wide enough to pass. First look around told me I was in fast company because I think we were the only car there with a carburetor. And cubic inches,man all of the cars were big blocks,and here I came in with my little ole chevy small block. There were several out on track warming up and two setting beside where we were unloading trying to tune up a injection system that must have been out late the nite before because it was stinking alcohol bad . I crawled in a politely unloaded not racing the motor or making any extra noise because my new neighbors were not exactly friendly if you get my drift there. I parked and let it idle while checking tires and such when finally one turned and said yall got mufflers on that car? Honestly you couldnt hear my car running for the noise his was making with zoomies on it and exhaust leaks to boot. I look at him and smiled and said yeah and climbed in to go out and see how this little dust bowl was to drive on.Well a little more information is due to finish setting the scene straight here, I had a set of Zoomie Hornet headers on my car with the exits on the side of the car just in front of the rear tires. When its idleing it sounds just like its skipping and when you take off at low speed it sounds like an ole in line 6 cylinder with split exhausts.I get out on the track and these guys are sailing there let me tell you,but I worked my speed up till I saw how these turns were. After a few laps I turned up the noise level a few notes and thats when the thing sounds like an indy car screaming, I mean 5 thosand sounds like you turning 15 thousand and up against the fence it seems like its double but its singing now. My little 57 chevy whailing around that track chasing all them big blocks .Time ytials come and I end up middle pack because let me tell you these guys haul the mail.First heat race and im on outside beside a guy that looks like he aint washed in a week but got a neat ole ford coupe with 8 trumpets sticking through the hood,me I dont even have the hood cut for the breather. Away we go and first heat is off and running for a lap or two at least. Couple of cars in rear kinda spun out in turn 3. After lining back up in single file we off again and im in 6th place and its hard to keep that spot the way they haul down the straights.after 10 laps I finish 8th out of 16 so that tells you how the nite is going to be.Second feature is over and now we get ready for the feature while the hobby cars run for their gold. I got company this time as a couple of people come over to see what all the noise is on my car and I give them the 30 second tour with no hood up. The guy with me is under car changing gears to help on the straights and they all quizzy on whats under the hood,one leans down and looks between the tire and fender and raises back up and proclaims thats a dad-burn smallblock aint it,what do you tell somebody thats looked ? Yes it is sir,thats about the time another said how dang tight you winding it sonny. Well about that time Dennis came back out from under car with the gears and just had to say I took it down two steps so it should wind up a little tighter to get you out of the turn and down to the other end a little quicker,you should have seen the look on the guys face, now remember they all running big blocks on alky and im a smallblock on avaition gas so my stink aint like theirs. Most of the field were of 57 back fords and chevys with at least 2 mopars there and several coupes of various brands.The night is shaping up for a humdinger of a main event.The faster you are the further back you go in lineup,that makes the slowest on the pole and so on. Im introduced as that yellowjacket out of ga I guess because of the pipes and their sounds course Ive been called worse. Cross your fingers and hope for the best during the parade lap then its off to the races. Two laps and yellow flag flies as a couple up front couldnt wait to get passed.They move them to the rear and away we go again. Now ive found out these boys are afraid of that fence because they sure wont get close to it in the turns and that speech Dennis made about taking a couple of steps out??nope he put 3 in to give me more straightaway speed and i sailed down to the turns on outside then racked it up and eased on by up high while they fighting for that packed stuff down low, under that powder that was up there it was wet and you just had to plow in it to get traction but it was there.Several wrecks later we were about half way and feel good at being able to at least see the front cars but there are more behind thats a coming. They must have started 35 cars in feature because it took a couple more wrecks before the fast cars were up to me.I think there are 15 laps to go and now the race is on because there is no pleasure like being sideways with 4 or 5 other cars battling and nobody trying to knock you out,but every one trying to win.Another wreck and now it gets tense,4 cars in front of you and 3 behind you and 6 laps to go. Green flag and here we go ,its a see saw back and forth with them boys hauling on the end of the straight and you easing by up high in the turns but this is the way we end up running the last 6 laps with 4 cars side by side for the finish and woopie its over and I got all 4 tires still on and havent hit or been hit that nite,oh yeah we finished 5th which I thought was respectable with my little motor. After the race the fans all came down and the hood had to be raised so everyone could look at the motor to be sure it was what it was,and the noise well there were a few that took pictures of the exhaust system and the announcer came around to each car that finished the race to talk to the driver,never had that done before either, Well nothing would do them but to crank the car up one more time and they listened to it idle and several said it sounds like its either skipping or a six banger,then you wrap it up a time or two and now they want to say its an indy motor but most understand the function of 180 degree headers where the sound comes from,they good for a few extra horses too.We finally get loaded and out to the motel where we made reservations coming into town because its after midnight and we only going to Jackson Mississippi for sunday afternoons race so a good nites sleep is in the stars.This is another nite of racing from our pas,t the date was in the middle 60's but time isnt important because when you having this much fun who cares.This is my memories of back in the day and are here for the future to read and enjoy. This is racing southern style---------------------------------------------------------memories
Henry Jones
@henry-jones   15 years ago
Johnny, you need to write a book!
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
Great stuff, Johnny! That actually brought back some "memories" from my past...racin on dirt...running a 350 against a bunch really fast 406's. Especially the part about the fence. The only way I could keep up with them and occaisionally beat them was to run the high line...right against the fence.
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   15 years ago
OMG, if Johnny wrote a book it would be like reading a set of encyclopedias!Pete
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
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