Johnny Mallonee
Sunday November 1 2009, 12:06 PM
Answer me something--i understand that nascar has reduced the restrictor plate size yet again and then went and told the drivers there was to be no breakaway drafting--so that means stay in line,no passing, and let the front car win correct??So with that said how do you go out there and expect to get anywhere in todays race--no bumping--no drafting-- no breakaway racing im lost what is this supposed to do SOMEBODY CALL JIMMY SPENCER this needs to be defined---------------------------------------? memories
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
If this track (dega) belonged to anyone else, it would have been bulldozed a long time ago. They may as wll doze it down and make a flat track out of it if they are not going to let them race. I understand they want to keep the cars on the ground...and out of the stands...bring out the dozer.
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
well the best laid plans seem to go flying away it seems because here is another mess you have them in -- slower speeds tighter running no breakaway no room to maneuver and now they trying to make a flyboy out of the army -- wrong branch there i think !!!Seems to be that word is out about the car of today i think Ryan spoke it truly and from the heart today after he come out of the care center --im not going to repeat it lets see what Dave Dispain says about it--if he will ----------------------------------------------memories
@slim-shady   15 years ago
I'ts finally happened.......... Little Brian has started pounding the nails in NASCAR's coffin. No bump drafting in the turns........that I understand. But come on !!!!!!! I thought he whole idea of racing was to beat the other cars , not follow them around for 500 miles. NASCAR has become a joke in the racing world. You work hard , make your car better and faster. Then the powers that be say..........we want "daylight" between the cars . Then , NO breakaways!!!!! Isn't that what they are there for ? I for one am just about fed up with all this hog wash. Give me some good old short track racing (non NASCAR) anytime. Yes , Jeff , bring on the bull........dozers. And by the words for the NASCAR acronym.NationalAssociationSuccessfullyCastratesAutoRacing
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