Our Way, the way we were taught
Johnny Mallonee
Monday November 9 2009, 9:35 PM
The argument over racing has been going on since Ben Hur found out that racing his two horse chariot against other worthy opponents was a fun challenge..Todays racing presents the same challenge only with more horses and and greater challenges to the owners.Step forward to the 20th century and a whole new set of challenges are present . Now you are fussing at the Nascar body for creating this spectacle thats got everybody climbing to the highest spot available to shout foul.If you dont like whats there then go back to the organization that was there before you had Nascar, did I hear some say you cant? Well yes you can because it is right in front of you,they even welcomed you with open arms to their society. Yes "arca"used to be "m a r c a ". It was the power that kept the Flocks and Voits in line. They were the governing body that controlled the sport in the early days .their show cant be beat and believe it or not you can tell their cars apart,even tell one brand from another and their costs are not out of control.Arca is not for everybody but neither is Nascar . Nascar doesnt know who "RR" is or even cares, but if memory serves me right it was a part of their celebration at the Rock. You like short track racing? They got it ,they run superspeedways toosomeone said that people like Smokey and Herb Nabb orJake Elder can make a racecar out of almost anything. they had degrees in engineering and formulating ideas,only their degree came from the school of hard knots.They didnt learn their knowledge from books and a computer,they learned it from blowing it up then rebuilding to keep that from happening.Ryan Newman has a degree out of a major college , smokey got his at that garage on the Halifax river. Some of the safety features in todays racing came out of those old leanto shops.Now the name of Jeff Gilder has been proposed as a great racer and devoted figure of "RR".Ffrom what I have went back and dug up on him for my own pleasure I will have to file him in the category of Raymond Parks. Now set down and think of what Mr Parks accomplished over a period of time for racing and look at what Mr Gilder has done in his short period of time,dont say either one flew a desk only because its not trueJjeff made his rear bumper known to all that challanged,Raymond opened his garage to all that needed his type of help then proceeded to show all how it was done.. If someone needed assistance back in the day Raymond was there.. Today look what Jeff has done,he has opened his site to all that need it and be very careful here because you could very easly fall of this train to the future of racing because Jeff is not waiting on no one to maybe one day in the future think about it but RR is moving ahead today faster and faster. look at the prominent names that are milling around the site that were not here a few months ago .Tthere is no free lunch here but a lot of old sauces here to flavor up todays tomorrowSomeone said they would go to Brians birthday party if asked but what aboutJjeffs birthday,,we give the party here if you didnt knowMissles dont hold much clout over here in racing unless-----------you want to count old DW putting that rocket motor on the back of that chevy out in the desert.I used to loose a lot of sleep over how or where or if i was going to even make the next race but not anymore,i just hitch up and go and with the new year I look forward to being welcomed at more tracks today than back then,why?? Because Im bringing the past with me to share with those of the present and a few of the future. You may find me and my car at North Wilksboro or the rock in Rockingham or Augusta or even Columbia,you see the tracks are endless,true some are not raceable but the memory that goes along with being there goes a long way and to share them with people who were there and to people who were not there when we did race is priceless.So to that I say if you have doubts as to where this organization is going you better step off now because we are definitely going to speed up.. next time yo seeTtim Leeming and myself at a track you can be assured that one of us is definitely going to drive the 39 chevy and be dang proud of our progress in presenting the best of the past to the ones of our future.And that my friends are what we will in the future call--------------------------------------------------memories
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   15 years ago
You know Robbie, I'm very interested in other members local heros. I have mine and thanks to Jeff we are able to have fan pages of these local legends. I've put up 5 and got great responses from my fellow RR peeps and in fact through RR I found a large collector of memorabilia from the Michigan area. His pictures on some of the fan pages are priceless and can only be found here. Some drivers are lost but now we have the means to preserve the pictures, memories and stories of these great local heros. I'm a huge David Pearson fan, but ask him what it was like racing Joy Fair on dirt in Michigan.
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