A story about Red Vogt
Johnny Mallonee
Wednesday November 11 2009, 1:52 PM
"I went to Florida with this car with the Cadillac in it, with all the carburetors on it, and I learned about I had help (were talking about 1959 here - B.). I ran into this Stock Car guy named Red Vogt, he had a shop out in the woods right outside of Daytona. He was at the race track one night when we were running. I made a run, the car was going crazy, it wouldt handle, and he said to me (him and Smokey Yunick were together)... he said to me "Youre gonna get hurt in that car, boy... cause that Pitman arm is way too long. You need to shorten it up.""Well I knew everything and didnt want to listen to nobody, and I sure as hell didnt want to listen to him."Vogt said, "Now Im down here in the woods and I got one of these things in my shop. And if you put it on, the cars gonna steer better. And one more thing the engines too damn rich!" He asked me "What jets do you have in those carburetors?""I said, I dont know I just put em on there however they came out of the box, and he started laughing at me! What? Red said. Then theyre all #52 jets in there? (Or whatever the number was)."I said, I thought that was it if thats how they came.""Man, youre way off! Were gonna change those jets too. Come on out to the shop. When you get the arm, well open those carbs up, see whats in there, then maybe Ill help ya."" So I go to Red Vogt's famous shop. He gives me the new Pitman arm with three holes in it. He said Put that thing in that middle hole, right in there, thatll probably do it. Then he said Take the top off that carb.So I took the top off and he saw the jet. He saw the jet and said Pheeew... no wonder this car dont run!I said " What do you mean it dont run? Its running 125 in the quarter! "Red said "It wont run, it wont steer... it wont go! I dont know how you dont get hurt in this car! Look heres what were gonna do, well change all the jets."I told him, "I aint got no jets!!""Hell, I got stuff," Red said. And he opened up a drawer full of jets. Must have been 500 of em in there! And hes got three of four different drawers that all got different numbers on 'em."He said, "Take these #46s and put them in all the carburetors. Then Im gonna give you these #42s... so to speak. At least I think thats what the numbers were.""Put these in there and see what happens. I cant come out to the race track tonight (we were running every night for five nights), you come back tomorrow and let me know how you did""So I go to the track and make the first run with the car. Not only did it go straight down the track... it went 144 mph! On the very first run!! And it kinda got my attention. I dont mean it scared me... it just got my attention, because all of a sudden, it aint laying down no more its keeping right on running!""So I went back to Red the next day and said Man, these 46s are good, Ill bet the 42s will really be good!But then he got to thinking "Man, lets dont do this all at once just change the center ones to the smaller jets on the next move.""So I took the center jets out, and put the new ones in. That night... it almost went 150mph!"" I wound up winning a couple or two or three nights, and I was tickled to death. I came back to Vineland, N.J. and it got easy all of a sudden. I wound up winning 11 Top Eliminators in a row!"This story was told by Joe Jacono
Mike Ray
@mike-ray   15 years ago
Good Story Johnny
Cody Dinsmore
@cody-dinsmore   13 years ago
Sorry for bringing this old thread back up...but that is awesome! I wish I could have met the other "Master". He could do anything to any engine!
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