knowing who drives what car
Johnny Mallonee
Sunday November 15 2009, 1:15 AM
We had a good year in racing the little quarter mile dirt back at home and we all had graduated from our original cars we built into our second tier cars-- I guess what that means is we got to the extent of finding the boundary of the rule book -- A few cars had got especially fast pretty quick so it was either catch up or shut up-- There was one car there that started so so but all of a sudden it took off like the egg under the throttle was removed-- From there on it was like each week another lost his egg and all of a sudden everyone was flying-- Now around home there were groups that swapped stuff back and forth including drivers-- Man it was hard to tell who was driving what car each nite--One time 00 was out front then 0 would be up there then 16 was bumping up front then 12 or 39 or 41 and 77 was in the hunt too-- Names im not going to tell now but we started with little 265 chevys and 312 fords and a dodge in there with an old hemi-- Next thing you know 260 fords and 327 chevys were knocking on the door and that dang 6 cylinder chevy was always up there--the old dodge somehow sprouted a 340 with 2 4 barrel carbs but it was so over carberated it wouldnt run till the second half of the straightaway-- Then we started getting bigger tires and we off to the races now--One special nite in my memory was when there were 4 cars capable of winning the feature-- We started off the feature from the rear because we run inverted on times-- It was really fun when you look back at it now but I remember Shep was in his game that nite, but Bob was also and TC and Al were in true form too -- Woody well you never knew when he was sticking his nose in there and all this time you had to contend with the slower cars you were catching-- We rubbed and pushed a little and first one would lead a lap then another would slip by and he would be out front-- Finally a caution came out and we get a break and thats when I I spot who was in that dang 16 -- They done played that driver shuffle again so now the secrets out ,at least I know -- I lucked out and got a good start on outside and went to the front on first lap but it was short lived because Shep was back there tapping away and if you even breathed a little you were history--Up high I went to go around a slower car and someone wanted the bottom so now we three wide on a quarter mile track stacked up--We took the slower car with us to the next turn ,like he had any choice in the matter,and turned him loose in the turn-- Well around he went so another caution--Next green flag I think we had 10 to go and now the pressure was on-- We sailed around that track in formation that the thunderbirds would be proud of-- About 3 to go and I done been tagged in the left front and that tire is going flat so the setup is changing bigtime now-- Al sneaks by on the outside bringing TC with him as the white flag flys -- One more circuit and this dog fight will be over--On the back stretch we get kind of in a wad going into 3 and its really a mess now because everyone wants to win but last time I checked there was only one winner in a race so here we are coming out of 4 and all heck breaks loose because the first 6 cars tangle and start spinning and who crossed the line first or second on down cant be determined immediately because we are told the scorers were all caught up in the battle and didnt score the last 3 three laps-- There was a photo that was taken at the finish that was supposed to clarify the finish but guess what,, someone jumped up in front of camera at the finish so that was out of the question-- After a hour of two and a little pushing and arguing the track officials along with the local cops came down to the pits to tell the finish-- My dad was waiting and said this is going to get very interesting--It did believe you me-- As the steward told it there was a silence in the pits something awful-- The first five positions would be added together and divided equally or either we go back and run the race again next week -- Now nobody could understand nobody it was so loud with everybody hollering-- Finally there was a solution to the game-- All of the first five agreed to the outcome and the agreement stood-- Now are you ready for this?--Those front five cars would draw a number out of a box,same box we draw positions to start crazy 8 with and that number would be the finish of the race for each, my finishing spot was fifth but dog gone it I would run that same race again because as tired as I was after that battle I was having the time of my life,we raced hard and I do mean hard but no one spun no one out -- As time has evolved on to today most of us are still here on this earth and believe it or not we are still good friends -- And all of us have memories that are cherished,just as Tim and myself relive our excursions.When I was setting at the store today waiting on my wife to come out this race came to mind and if I dont write it tonite I may just lose it and then you wouldnt know of another of my ------------------------memories
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