Why memories are important
Johnny Mallonee
Saturday November 21 2009, 10:30 PM
Ever set around and have a thought go through your head and then its gone? Some say its the past not wanting you to forget it and its wanting you to remember it. I guess its kinda like when the opposite sex wants us to not forget something important. To some they dont have the foggest idea what a memory out of the past is when it comes to them,maybe a dream some say.I can be setting around or working or almost anything including sleeping and one will come to me and it will bug me for a long time or until I dismiss it from my mind. The other day I was rummaging thru some pictures and bam,it hit me again, because there smack dab in front of me is a picture taken back where I cut my teeth racing litterly. The picture was not of me but a couple of cars in deep battle on the crazy eight track in Warner Robins Ga. And one of the cars is driver by none other than Hoot Gibson, the one and only. Now this picture set me down for a few minutes because I relieved this turn for a little bit. No other way to remember it but to relieve it one frame at a time,if thats possible with the brain. I ran a couple of laps with these guys in the picture almost as if I was either behind them or in front,that wasnt important ,just reliving it was the game.Reliving the past is what keeps us young at heart.While in Augusta this year I was fortunate to be able to meet with several old drivers who were on my hero list including Bob Moore,Harold Fountain,Rex White and the famous Tim Leeming. These guys are a mountain of memory when everyone gets together,we did that day and several old memories came back to us that day.Harold and myself raced together in the 60's all over GA and SC and im here to tell you we laughed about several incidences, like the time he and john lee Williams had bumper stickers made up to run for president, That had a good laugh going for awhile and like the time Bob Moore switched places with another in Warner Robins for a big race, that was a good one too. Tim and myself replayed our skirmishes several times that day and somehow we even set down in front of a camera and replayed it again,each had our own story but the end was always the same and we left better friends than when we arrived. Slim and myself got to reliving a race or two one night on the chat and next thing we know its after midnight,thats how memories work. So next time you have passing memory stop and write it down if you cant hold on to the thought. Later when you look back on your life you can smile and say boy those were great ------------------------------------------------------memories Just to share a little of the past here is the picture of hoot gibson getting it done

Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
as to you Joe not being mentioned in this? But you were not a driver back then and you only start being part of my memories at that point when we met so any future outing we have you will be in the memories. If your dad or my dad would have still been around that day just think how awesome that would have been but they werent .So that day you werent a memory,but now you are and will continue to be whether you like it or not young man! below is how you become memories like in this picture
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
Johnny, I'm not only glad you have a memory...but even more pleased you take the time to write them down for all of us.Thank you!
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