Alabama Hillbilly
Johnny Mallonee
Wednesday November 25 2009, 8:47 PM
up on penitentiary mountain south of florence al there is a little shop off the end of an old logging road. For years there have been nothing but log trucks that came up to the shop for work or repairs or just pushed out back because of to much needed to repair when replace is cheaper.It started out as just two guys and an old black helper who kinda kept things in order when the day was over.Slowly things just got so slow the old man said thats it and closed the doors and moved down to huntsville to work in the factory.this had been a good move because the war was keeping most people busy with the building of componets. His son had joined up and joined the army airforce because of the need for qualified mechanics.He thought he was top notch being as all the old stuff he always was repairing on the mountain. Turned out he was quit skilled because he was in demand all over the shop keeping all the equiptment operating at top notch which he did. One day he got orders to go to the islands to keep the war planes operating. Now this was an expeerience he had not planned for but took it in stride like everything else in life.Finally the war was over and everbody was coming home.Now mind you he was from the hills and money was not an issue for him ,because ,he never had any. All his money he made was converted into war bonds and he had a handful of them.Back to the hills of alabama he headed and and straight to mamas house he went. Sure was nice to be home eating mamas food and seeing all his old friends.After a month or so city life was not for him,he had bought himself an old pickup so he said one day he was going up on the mountain for a few days to hang out.well he pulled up and everthing was as it was when pop left except, it was growed up all over with weeds and brairs.He cleaned out the house that day of the trash that had blown in from a broken window and rolled out his sleeping blanket and laid down to peace and tranquility.Man was it quiet except for the crickets and old owl hooting in the tree outside.Next morning he went down to the well and drawed a bucket full of water for washing and breakfast,memories of the old days were with him now.About a week later he had the old homeplace set up just to his liking. He got out to the old shop a day or two later and was setting under the leanto when way off in the distance you could barely hear a motor running,but he dismissed that off and went rambling thru the old trucks and stuff laying around. Dark caught him up there so off to the house he headed to fix supper.Along the way he thought he heard that motor running again but wasnt sure.Next day was saturday best he could figure so he decided to go off to town for a few supplies. After he got to the store he was looking around and saw some neat tools he would like to have sooo he got to talking to the owner of the store and come to find out someone had pawned those tools to him over a year ago and never came back for them. They settled on a price and he told the guy he would go to the bank monday and get the money. Old guy just laughed and said sure sonny see ya later. As he walked out the old service station across the way was working on an old hotrod they were getting ready to take to the local track sunday. He walked over and was linda looking and one of the guys said howdy. They talked a little and the concersation went to the race sunday over in florence al. sunday. They said he was welcome to come over and go with them if he wanted. Wow an invite to go do something wcxiting,so off he went back up the mountain which was a 68 mile trip one way. Next morning he was up at daybreak and down the moutain to the shop by 8am. They started loading stuff in the car and in the old truck they was going to pull the car with. About 9;30 they pulled off going to the track, never had he ever been to a race much less to florence so this was going to be a double thrill. Aw shucks, wait a minute I aint got no money to pay my way in he said and the ther two just looked at him. Ok we will cover for ya being as you helping us with the car so right there a bond was made.That night was one for the history books,at least in one persons eyes because he had never seen the likes of this much less the mess of folks here. He was in hog heaven if there ever was one of them. They eat hotdogs and drank soda pop that day and had a ball along with the others there. Well races were over and now to head back home and boy was they happy,they actually made a dollar that day in the race so all of them eas going home to celabrate by eating at that new diner on the edge of town where all the trucks stop.With a full tummy he heads back up the hill to home,its almost dark and he forgot to pick some candles up before coming home ,o well do that monday .As he is going down the hill the next day he sees a crew stringing wire on poles down at the road. Wow power on the hill one day he thought. He stopped and asked and they told him if he put in for it before they passed his road he could be hooked up shortly. Done deal and off to town to get his lights on wow lights just like in the city.Well with power and the other luxurys he could get he was set on the hill.Now for a little information on this guy,he was wounded in the war over in guam and his right leg was messed up from a mortor so he drew a ck monthly and those bonds he never cashed them in, they still setting there drawing interest in a safe deposit box at the bank.Anyway off down the hill he goes to get the power taken care of and a few other things done. He stops by the station and checks in on the guys there. They going again this sunday and offers him a spot in the truck. How you turn a deal like that down. Hsays he will be back in a few minutes to help work on the car for the race.This is the third time they been to thetrack together and its turn to drive, so he says im going to get in and get comfortable with everything, trouble is he cant get his leg situated in the car to be able to drive, Man what a deal and he goes over in the corner and sets down totally disgusted.Well no no one pushes the subject that day and they go to the track as usual but walter is discuted because he cant drive.On the way home he tells the guys he is going to build himself a car so he can fit in it and be able to drive.Now the plot thickens,what kinda car to build,he looks all through his dads old junk cars and nothing is there to use so he starts walking back to the house when right in front of him is a little 38 pontaic coupe. You cant make no flathead six run out there so he starts pondering,could he put a ford v8 in it,thats a thought,so thats the plan then,he pulls the coupe up to the shop and starts the building process. Its raining so he strips out the interior and guts it ready for roll bars but first setting the seat to his comfort is the first adjenda. Finally he gets aposition thats right so now for the bars. Its midnight and its not raining so down to the house he goes. Food,he has not eaten all day and now he is starved so he washes and takes a plate of food to the bedroom to eat and think about his new project . Rear end is under it and good front axle so now its motor time. He has built a real good truck flathead so now its time to get and transmission in and bolted up. with the radaitor out its real easy to slip it and transmission in togerther and hook all it up. So over the car he slides the old hoist and into the car it goes,smooth fit under the car and plenty clearance on firewall but WAIT the dang steering sector is smack dab in the way on left side. Wow now what to do, he leaves it hanging and sets down to study the problem.Nothing comes to him,nothing so he goes to the house for a bite to eat and not watching where he is goibg stumbles over an old motor laying in the path,well not exactly in the path but over to the side kinda but he still found it.And the idea came to him then and there,so off to the house he went smiling now even though his leg hurt him from falling.Later that day he pulls the motor and tranny out and sets it over to the side while he takes a different approach to this delima.Motor is built and hooked to a new tranny and a perfect fit,almost because its longer than what was in there but thats fixa ble. After all is bolted up and headers fabercated he starts it up wow what a noise it makes and its different too because he ran his side pipes all the way to the rear tire so the noise wasnt under him.Happy that day he was ,next comes painting it and getting it readied for sun because the guys at the station said it was a big one.That afternoon the guys from the station came up and brought their spray gun and boy they dazzeled the coupe up like it was a show car. The number was on and wow what a jewel it was.He told the guys to watch what he had buit to haul it on. the old motor he built he had put it in one of the ild log trucks out back and rebuilt the back to haul the coupe,it tilted down when you eased off the winch and you drove up on it and then the winch leveled it back out,neato said the others so now its race time tomorrow.Bright and early he is down to the station waiting onthe others when a car pulled up and a cute little thing got out and said howdy,that did it for him he was butter then but she went on like nothibg was wrong and said sure is a purty car,you going to florence to race today? uh yes mam i am, she said good i will root for you then and drove off. In a few minutes the others came up and they packed up to leave for florence-------------------------to be continued
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
Lovin it!
@slim-shady   15 years ago
dang it can't just leave it hangin' like that !!!!!!!!
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