Alabama Hillbilly part 2
Johnny Mallonee
Thursday November 26 2009, 6:06 PM
The excitement was high that morning as they pulled in to the track because all these cars coming in was unusual and the people,they were everywhere,even the squirrls were fussing because so many were climbibg the trees for a better view. They pulled in to the pits and parked sorta over to the side mainly because they couldnt make the turn pulling the car so their spot was obvious.After parking and unhooking the car so more room was available Walt pulled up and parked,about that time a pit steward ran over and said the bank for unloading was on other side of the track. They laughed and said thats ok it will unload itself here and proceeded to show the world how an old pulp wood truck can survive in racing. It slowly tilted the bed until it touched the ground in back then the car started rolling slowly as more cable was played out from the winch. And then it was on the ground,this draw-ed quite a crowd in itself as no one had seen such a contraption before.Ok folks left there and they started getting ready for timetrials.First out was a rickety old ford who managed a fairly decent time trial and then the station boys went out and qualified very good,but see they were what you call seasoned veterans A few more went out and then it was Walts t.urn.He crawled in a nd buckeled up and started to crank up when he looked out the side window and there she was,bouncing around and just a waving at him. Walt didnt know what to think about this but anyway he fired up and started out. It seems like you could hear a pin drop when he fired up,everybody froze and looked over at him and the car but he didnt notice because he was so focused on doing his best on the track. He had watched the others for a few races and his friends had given him as much help as they could on driving. He even took a few laps around the track in his old pickup so he wasnt totally green.Out he went and asked for one extra with his finger to get settled in then he was on a mission for two laps.With that over he slowed and pulled couldnt get out for the fols around the car hollering and shouting,he was scared to death that he done went and done something wrong.Finally one of the station boys managed to get into him abd asked the people to let him out of the car first before all this question asking started..Walt climbed out and then the question started,first how long you been driving? Second who built that car? Third what kinda motor is that? Walt was now scared for real when the station boys stepped in and said it was built in town and thats all you need to know for now.This didnt set well with the folks but they backed off and let the boys alone. Wow one of the guys said to him,you went a stirred up a hornets nest out there didnt you. Walt looked at him and said what did i do?Well for starters you went out and turned a lap faster than anyone here and did it with a motor nobody even thought of using. And boy is it loud when you go by the stands where that wall is.Well here came the officials now and its got quiet again. First they wanted to see the owner of the car,which Walt spoke up as him,then where is the driver then,again Walt spoke up,now this one old red faced cuss was hollering at the flagman "what kinda aircraft engine" has he got in that thing. You see Walt had kept the hood intact when building the lil chief as he called it. So they insisted in seeing this contraption he had hid away ubder that long hood. The station boys were kinda helping Walt from being trampled because actually he couldnt maneuver very fast with his bum leg. They went around and unstrapped the hood and raised it. Silence was all you could hear for almost a minute,then that red faced guy said, is thatb legal? The official said I think so just never seen one in a race car before. Old red face hollered how the heck he get that in there and another said its sore nuff tight fittin thats fur shore. Finally after a bunch of questions on horsepower and cubic inches they was reluctant to let him run but couldnt find nothing in their rules that said he couldnt so the official word was let him run.Now Walt was worried for sure now because he hasnt made a lap in a race and everybody is hollering at him.The station guy takes him back behind their cars in the quiet so they can talk and settle his nerves.Heat race time and the station boys are in the first one so out they go and finish second to a guy from over Huntsville way. He is the track champ over there they say.walt is in the fifth heat race today and out he goes gittery as all get out and lines up third on outside.Green flag and they off and they turn everyway but upside down in the first turn, poor walt had taken off with the pack and slowely rode around all of them to go around to line up again. This time he is on the pole now he is worried that somone going to wreck his car,so he plots in his mind what he is gonna do. Green flag and there are off flying down into that same turn again but for some reason no wrecks this time and out they come in single file.Walt looks in his rear view mirror which is a jr west coast mirror so he sees most of all behind him. He keeps the flock behind him just far enough to stay out of trouble but now they catching the slower back markers. He cautiously passes them on the high side when two cars behind him fly by down low. but the rest are back away so he finishes the heat out in third place.Now he has completed his first race of his life but definitely not his last.In the pits he sets and cools with the guys when a guy in a white hat walks up and introduces himself as the owner of the truck dealership in town.Word has it that you got a truck engine in you jalopy here, well yes sir I guess it is somewhat a truck engine,I guess because they dont make cars. The guy laughs and says thats right uhg what did you say your name is? Dont think I said yet sir but its Walt, Walter Wiggins sir. Seems as though I have heard that name before, Your daddy live around here? Used to but he moved into Huntsville during the war to work at the plant .Yup I remember him quite well,fine feller too, now tell me about this engine yougot in here and howd you get it to hook up.After a few minutes he walked around the car and looked again and said who taught you how to fabricate like this and he told of his service work in the islands keeping the planes a flying. Now I see why this car is built like it is, the guy was muttering at himself for a few minutes and said I have a deal I want to offer you,Come see me next week at the dealership and we will talk ok? Why sue thing sir ,how about tuesday,will that work? Yup just fine,come befor noon and we will go get lunch and talk.Well if everything else goes like this im in for a treat on the track.Main event time and they all line up and get ready to race race race.m Green flag and they off,the little chief is just purring around in the group holding his own behind his buddy in front of him. The race finishes with the two coming in third and fourth and two cars from huntsville and the other atlanta are just ahead of them.They load up and pack all their stuff in cars and trucks and head home but first stop in town next to the station to eat at that diner they eat in the first time they met.Food was good the company was good and in the door walked three girls that made the scenry great------------------to be continued
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
can't wait for the next installment!!
@slim-shady   15 years ago
Johnny you done it again !!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
I can see it now.....a book by Johnny Mallonee..........Memories. You get part of the story in one book...but you gotta by the next one to get the rest of it.
Jack Carter
@jack-carter   15 years ago
Johnny the GMC but what about the three girls ?
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