alabama hillbilly finale
Johnny Mallonee
Friday November 27 2009, 3:52 PM
The whole diner perked up when they came in with about half the crowd trying to make eye contact with one of them but no deal they had their eyes set on three guys setting over in the corner next to the juke box.The waitress came over and talked to the boys for a little bit and Walt asked who was those three guys sitting in the corner. Oh them,they work over at the power plant at the dam and come in ever so often to meet those girls from Russelville,I think they are college girls the way they talk. Food was good,the company was great,but now it was time to go home and get ready for the next week.Walt showed up about 15 minutes early for the meeting and was setting in the lobby when a girl came in in a wheelchair. wow she was pretty as a postage stamp and had a million dollar smile. Walt jumped up and held the side door open for her as she went into the offices. About that time the boss came came out to get him when all three met at once,well I see you met my daughter he said,and now Walt was really stammering for words but managed a smile and said I didnt know it was your daughter,just being courteous.The three went to lunch together and it actually went good,real good because Penny was a delight to talk to. Finally the time came for the serous talk and Penny excused herself to go to the powder room.Make it short and sweet Walt ,being as you have a G M C engine in your car and evidently you are a competent mechanic I would like to sponsor your car and advertise my company on your car and maybe help you with the cost of racing that car. Well now look at this delima, what would you say?? why heck yeah,sure thing sir.Ok bring the car down here and we will have the sign company come over and paint the signs on it and anything else you want walt. Walt was floating on cloud nine now and home he rushed to bring the car down for the make over.As he pulled up in front with his truck and car on back there were a small group of people out front along with a photographer,and the girl in the wheelchair.As he rolled the bed back and down they were pictures being taken and the guy in town that had a wrecker service was there too.On the ground and with the tow truck parked he walked back as best he could to the crowd,thats when the girl saw him limping and immediately wheeled over to her dad and said whats wrong with his leg,he told her and her eyes just glazed over.Walt climbed in and cranked up the big 6 and the ground shook for a long ways,a mechanic guided him into the shop to park it and get things ready for the painter.While this was being prepared the other mechanics started asking a million questions as to how this was done or why was this like that or just HOW. The car had a million little tricks on it that they was in awe over. Those carburetors what they off of and where do you buy that manifold at?Walt said to himself this is going to be a long day and set down and set in telling the shop how.Later that evening it was apparent that the work would not be complete till the next day so Walt started to go get in his old truck and go home,but that was not to be because the wrecker guy wanted to buy the truck then and there. After a few minutes talking the figure came out that was to good to refuse so now he was afoot and dark was coming.Thats when the little girl in the wheelchair said wait a minute and my sis will be here and we will take you home,now that sounds like a good deal,but not when he saw who her sister was,remember the girl at the fence at the track,yup that one, there she was in living color so off to the house on the mountain they went.Next morning he was up and eating when a brand new G M C pickup setting in his front yard caught his eye,up he went to look and there it was,a 1952 G M C deluxe mind you,it even had a radio in it and the paint was almost the same color as his racecar. In the seat was a note that said" Enjoy your new truck as this is part of the sponsor package to you". Now the world is in a spin for sure because he did not want any help but looks like its coming whether he wants it or not.He cleans up after storing the tools away from the big truck he just sold and heads back to town to check on his car. After stopping by the station where his friends work all got out and was amazed at his new possession. man o man was it pretty.The signs set the car off and the car really looks the part of being a real race car even down to the logo on the hood, powered by GMC, now that had character.Racing is great,his new sponsor is great,his friends are best of all fantastic,and he wins a few races but best of all he has a contract to build five of those rollback trucks for wrecker year he wins the track championship,sells seven rollbacks, and moves his parents back in the old house thats totally rebuilt and he builds a new house on the other side of the shop and now he is set up now.Next year he set the world on fire with that GMC and the lil chief and went to Nashville to the big race and finished third against all them flathead fords. Most people could not understand how the motor ran as good as it did with that dang blower mounted like it was much less those old updraft carburetors hanging on the side of the blower. You see he had the blower on the other side of the motor from the exhaust with pipes going over the valve covers to the ports. This kept things cooler I guess and give him room to hang those carberators off in a cooler place.Now if you think, a jimmy motor is longer than a regular six so all this has to come into play when setting up the car,so that was the reason for him having the radiator in the trunk. It also gave more room up front for the cooler on the blower,oh wait they didnt have that back then did they, well only the ones who understood turbo charging and blowers did as Walt probably fabercated all sorts of stuff in the war to get the planes back running.Walt was a pioneer on a lot of new stuff thats being used today in racing and the mountain side where he grew up is sort of an attraction because there is a museum built there for his racing accomplishments.Oh yeah he is ceo of the GMC truck store in town and the boys at the station are doing great on the nascar circuit so all in all the little town has memory to it and the girl in the wheelchair, she is now mrs Wiggins and their 7 kids are all into racing so the next generation is coming so everyone look out. this short story is base on -------------------memories
@slim-shady   15 years ago
Great story , Johnny. But please don't leave me hanging like that again .
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
He's done it again......memories.......and more suspense. Do we have to wait for the next book to find out who these people are?
Jack Carter
@jack-carter   15 years ago
Johnny I have found a photo of Walt Wiggins when he was in the Army Air Corp in the 1940's. But which one of these men is Walt. Johnny my father is also in this picture, he is in the center of the photo. He was the crewchief and they all were mechanics in WW2.
Johnny Mallonee
@johnny-mallonee   15 years ago
O-by the waythe guys name is Gene Tiapa In 1948, Tapia's began racing to get battle stress off his mind. That year, his car lost a wheel just after he crossed the finish line to win his first stock car race at Chisholm Fairgrounds in Montgomery, Alabama. He raced in several NASCAR races that season. During his brief time spent racing in NASCAR, he won the Florida state title and the 1953 Mississippi state title. He left the circuit because he wanted to race five nights per week instead of one night. "Tapia was right up there with the best,. He could have made it real good in NASCAR, if he had chosen. But I think his regard for his family and the desire to race more frequently is what kept him closer to home.Tapia won the 1968 and 1969 World 300 Supermodified race at Mobile International Speedway.[3] The event is billed as the "world's richest supermodified race. I think Bill passed away in 2005 after a wonderful racing career.The two that won the first race were Billy Carden from atlanta and Tom Crumbly from scottsboro al.the gmc dealer is still there in florence,the three guys at the service station continued with bill throughout his career and now you know the rest of the story---but dont forget the pace car,its here too b elow
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