Tommy Clinard and our memories
Johnny Mallonee
Wednesday December 9 2009, 7:17 PM
Every time i set down and start an e mail session with Tommy more of our past is reveled to me as memories. Tommy hit me with something today that had been forgotten probably because of me trying to stuff all my meager memories into a blog on here.When we ran at MGR we were a family,in a way todays drivers only long for. After a race it was common knowledge that we all meet under the stands in the lounge and rest and relax and just be friends,no rivals or nothing. No one was superior over anyone. The local poorboy was as welcome there as Bobby Allison or Tiny Lund. Tiny and myself were always cutting up in there and my dad would say to us when you two gonna grow up. I remember one guy that would come in,he was a small guy best I remember and would just set and have a look of awe on his face. I didnt know such a thing as being famous back then,we were only living out our dreams and fantasy. If there were it would have to someone like Red Farmer but he sure didnt show it. I remember Tommy setting in there being harrassed by Don Tumberlin one nite over the pass he put on him and all hooted over it. You see the track had a bump in it going into turn three and if you wernt careful you would upset your entry,well tommy got all out of shape and shot up the track and was up against the wall but came out of turn four sideways and passed Don still sliding and finished ahead of him merely because Don backed off laughing,so he says, but its hard to describe the closeness we shared or the brotherhood we had back then,now its coming around again as we regroup and relive some of our races back in the day.Bob Moore had a fruitful carrier with racing in our playground and made more than one driver that visited our circuit scratch his head with that Vega he had,it was brutally fastTommys car had a bar advertised on it out of Schulitz Ga, think about that with him being a Macon Ga cop during this time,it was another of those remember that?? Hoot Gibson was a real nice guy,i never found the side of him a lot talked about. We are talking of a get together in the next few months and im going to try to tape it or at least video it for our future to enjoy. Its christmas time and lets all enjoy our time with our familys and be thankfull of what we have because next year i hope will start the beginning of a new racing community starting in the south east as we all welcome all yall M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S and HAPPY N E W Y E A R everyone
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   15 years ago
Johnny, you mention the "brotherhood" that existed then....that is something that I find is common from racing in that era. ...and I have noticed as drivers from earlier eras gather...the brotherhood still exists. I love reading these Memories, my friend! Absolutely love it!Jeff
Tommie  Clinard
@tommie-clinard   14 years ago
Johnny, The Bar that you speak of was maybe 500 yards from Middle Georgia Raceway. The name of it was Eddie's Place. He was the first sponsor of the Fairlane 3 X. The story is that so much Schlitz Beer was sold there that it got the name Schlitz, Ga. and that is what Eddie wanted on the car. We used to leave our youngest, Patti, there on race night and Jackie, Eddie's wife, baby sat her in the Bar. She was crawling and they say that she crawled all over that bar. You sure couldn't do that today. DFACS would be all over you for mistreating a child. The reason that the police department didn't say anything was they knew me as Milton Clinard. Tommie Clinard was driving the race car. Speaking of Hoot. I sure miss that old boy. We had some times together. Some of them we won't even speak of. Tommie C.
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