Rain - The Four Letter Word
Larry Olson
Wednesday April 15 2015, 1:00 AM

I love the sound of rain,it's sedative nature when trying to sleep but that ends near and on race day.Nothing is more disappointing than working all week,only to have the rain threaten the night's racing program.

With the skies dark and the sound of thunder many people will just pack it in and not go to the track and it is even worse with race car owners and teams because of all the preparations to get there.

Owners have their own problems with because rain mean trying to figure out how to treat the track surface and in some cases, how high is the water table.For big events like the Nationals the track's very existence depends on getting the program in.

That is where I come in. I am able to leap.. wait that is Superman but because I care about racing and think about it in so many ways, I want to see the programs get in.And my success is around 90% in those touchy situations.

Having a relationship with these tracks,their owners,track managers and so on, we can discuss what is going on and how to approach.You only make one first impression so an honest evaluation and prediction goes a long way.

I've been in weather in one capacity or another and in racing since around 1985. Understanding the stakes is vital and imperative in getting the confidence of the track. One way of doing that is through charitable events and fund raisers. Racing tracks support veterans events and charities like no other and I better not hear negative comments about racing folk because I will opine assertively.

At one event we raised $22,000 for the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America.We had 22 race cars, 22 Tampa Bay Buccaneer Bucs football players and a host of media and since I worked with Q-105,I was known as Mike Scott the Meteorologist.

My association with the racing Lynch family from the Pittsburgh area,and a legend of a kind grew exponentially. Jean Lynch, her husband and son are all apart of the Sprint Car Hall of Fame in Knoxville,Iowa.Ed Lynch Jr is nearing the end of a very successful career notching 220 victories and essentially the King of 410 Sprints at Lernerville Raceway in Sarverville, PA.

Jean works with the World Racing Group based out of Charlotte,NC and events from Syracuse, NY to Charlotte Dirt and covering the World of Outlaw events. I will send emails to Jean who is now 80 years old and these forecasts used by the World Racing Group,the Speed Channel and currently MAV TV. At many tracks they know my name instantly and my help has occurred across the country and around the world.

The bottom line is I love auto racing but more importantly the people that make racing what it is.Getting to know the routine and dedication of owners, drivers and fans is one way of appreciating what they do and helping tracks avoid foreclosure.To me, losing a track is a tragedy of it's own.

One other side benefit is helping Veterans with needs especially those who are homeless and need a place to live and a feeling of community and there is NOWHERE where racing people do not support our military veterans of whom I number amongst.

So please, if you can, get out to the track because many owners are also fans and many former drivers. They act as emissaries between tracks and politicians with their noise issues and curfews.

Have fun and see you at the track!!!

Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   10 years ago
Great read, Larry! Thanks for posting!
Larry Olson
@larry-olson   10 years ago
Thanks Jeff. I have my moments where the words flow from memory but I am challenged with regard to technical stuff with the computer... lol
Dennis Andrews
@dennis-andrews   10 years ago
Larry, When I was growing up rain never stopped us from heading to the track. I've seen the race car loaded in the rain many times. Mom would fuss and dad would say "It might not be raining in Rockingham." Those were the days before weather radar and cell phones. We had a 50 mile pull to the track and sometimes it would not be raining there. You might even call the track before leaving but they would always say "Not raining here." As I recall the odds of rain stopping the show were better early and late in the year as mid summer weather moved quicker. It was before I got to go regular but I remember dad telling how if was washed out at Rockingham they would go on to Cheraw and if it was raining there go on down to Dillon. You would miss heat races but they would let you start in the rear. At least you got to race.
Larry Olson
@larry-olson   10 years ago
Dennis. And that is what I treat to prevent. As far as weather at the track. I had a driver go from Tampa to N GA. He called me..