My father raced at Wilson County Speedway in the late 60s to late 70s. He brought a young boy home with him one weekend for 2 weeks. His father had something to do with the track. I dont know if his daddy was the one that had the flatbed trailer on the front staightaway or the one that sent giant watermelons and pumpkins. I just remember he peed in my bed the first two nights in a row. On my birthday, my family fooled me into thinkingI was going to Wilson with daddy to the race, then he pulled off at the house for a surprise party. The boy had my gifts on in the pool-- snorkel, mask, and flippers. I was mad about not going to the race so i poured a cup of water in my snorkel he was using. I think he almost drowned and i got a real good beating. I will be 50 years old June 30, soI think its time for me to say I'm sorry, whoever you are. I was only 10 years old. But you got to realize, I thought i was going with Super Mutt! Yours truly, Laurie (Mutt) Powell Jr.
Laurie,Driver Al Grinnan from Virginia, a fierce rival of your father at Wilson, used to bring pickup truck loads of watermelons to Wilson in the summer in the 70s. The promoter around this time was James Jones of Goldsboro, NC. I know some of your dad's crew would spend Saturday night after the Wilson races at his house in Goldsboro. I went over there one Saturday night very late after the race with a lady who worked for me at the Wrangler plant and was seeing someone on your dad's crew. The SuperMutt #88 rig was parked in James' driveway. James passed last year. I don't know about children, though. This would have been around 1973. Back in 1981, I was real surprised during Southern 500 weekend at Darlington to see your dad's rig parked in the Darlington infield with #88 aboard. That was a nice surprise. Nobody ever put on any better racing at Wilson than your dad.
I have many great memories of wilson county speedway too! My dad, Mac Mangum, raced there many years! I do remember your dad and I was there so much we probably played. I am 52 so we are close in age. A long time ago!!!
Mary Susan, Your Dad, Mac Mangum , was ALWAYS fast, fast, fast . Our sportsman driver, Danny Lee's little girl would literally scream her head off pulling for Mac. Those were wonderful times at Wilson back in the 70s. Wish we could turn back the clock. Having the children of some of Wilson County Speedway's greatest drivers posting on this site is quite a treat.
Thanks Dave! My dad loved racing - his best memories. I made a scrapbook for him and have pics I would love to post. I'm new here so what would be the best way to post them?
Mary Susan, Up at the top of the main page, there is an "Add Content" box you can click, then click photo and follow the instructions. I think the link below will take you directly there: I'm not the best instructor, so if you're not able to do it, I know Devin, TMC Chase or one of our other folk will be happy to walk you through it.