Alzheimer’s Disease - Your Thoughts & Prayers Are Needed
Lee Roy Mercer
Sunday August 17 2008, 11:00 PM
Your thoughts and prayers are greatly needed for the Holtz family. Mr. Jon Holtz's mother is dieing from the final stages of her Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. She is only 59 years old. Rare is it that it affects someone this young, but it's not unheard of.Jon is the Vice President of A&R for WarHead Records and has been my Co-creative business partner/Producer for many years now. A lot of the work he does in producing my prank call albums goes unnoticed by the fans, but that's because he's a perfectionist and his work is seamless. For all that he does to make my content slicker and funnier, he gets his name in small print on the back of my CDs.In addition, Jon is the one that is responsible for getting me on all the great racin' TV shows like NASCAR on FOX, the SPEED Channel, and most recently on the HBO Pay-Per-View broadcast of the 2008 Prelude to The Dream at Eldora Speedway. He is also the photographer behind all the great NASCAR driver photos that I am blessed to be able to share with everyone.Some of you on here know him, but most of you probably don't. Notwithstanding, please take the time to send out your thoughts and prayers to Jon and the Holtz family as they will greatly appreciate receiving your sentiments during this dark time and the difficult time ahead of them.Thank you for your time and blessings.Sincerely,Lee Roy MercerHere are a few photos of Jon. Please feel free to post your supportive comments to him and the family. Jon Holtz & Tony Stewart Kyle Petty & Jon Holtz DW, Jon Holtz, & Jeff Hammond Bass Masters, Buck Fever, Jon Holtz, Rick Mast, & Lee Roy Mercer Paul Stanley & Jon Holtz
Jacob Flynn
@jacob-flynn   17 years ago
my prayers are with the holtz family, god speed.
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   17 years ago
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hotz family. Thank you, Lee Roy for letting us know about her condition. Please keep us updated.Jeff
@tianna   17 years ago
i will pray but tell the family there viatinman u can take to slow it down and or not get it so please take them love tianna best to your family
Racing Wizard
@racing-wizard   17 years ago
Best wishes, comfort, and prayers to the Holtz family. God bless
Lee Roy Mercer
@lee-roy-mercer   17 years ago
I want to thank everyone for taking the time to send out their blessings to the Holtz family.I have posted the information regarding Jon's mother on a few other forums and I am going to print copies of everyones thoughts and prayers and send them to the family to show our support.Thank you once again for your time and consideration.All my best to all of you,Lee Roy Mercer
Paul Zappardino
@paul-zappardino   17 years ago
I have an Uncle with the disease! It is frighteneiong and demoralizing to see a mna so full of life struck down like that , We go see him once a week and he has definitelt gone downhill, BUT we always get a smile out of him, he knows me and my father but cannot remember our name, Itis hard BUT it is not abouit us it is about him! We do all we can, my advice to people who have friends or relatives with this disease, there is no cure but make sure you give them your repect, compassion, love,friendship and thoughts, so they can still have their dignity, That is what I do, now I will misss him when he is gone BUT I am loving him now and I will be at peace knowing I did all I could to make his last years special!
Paul Zappardino
@paul-zappardino   17 years ago
My thoughts and prayers are there. I have an uncle that just turned 83 that has had this for about 4 years, has been in a specialhome for patients with this disease for over 3 years. We go to see him about once a week, it is hard but asi tell the family "It is not about us , it is about him" It is hard to see him likre that BUT he still knows me and my dad ( his younger brother) and he always tries to smile and joke around and we feel better for him when he has a good time when we are there. We as non-medical people cannot treat this, BUT we can help by giving people in this condition , the love,respect,compassion, and attention they deserve. Now I don't know hjow long he will be around but I will do all I can to make the rest of his life comfortable and make sure he retains his dignity. Nobody should have to go thru this.
Jo Ard
@jo-ard   17 years ago
I am so very sorry this has happen to a young man. May God Bless you and your family. My prayers are with you and your family always.JO ARD and SAM ARD
@tom   17 years ago
My prayers are with the Holtz family. I feel for anyone who lives with this terrible disease. It is hard to watch someone you love going from someone who knows you to not remebering you or others who are a part of their lives.
Kimberly Lynn Hall
@kimberly-lynn-hall   17 years ago
Lee Roy Mercer
@lee-roy-mercer   17 years ago
Jon Holtz's mother passed away yesterday afternoon at the Greeneville Life Care nursing home at 4:15pm EST. She was surrounded by her loved ones at the time she was called home by the Lord.