IM SO PROUD !!! but r u? (keselowski) please respond to me!!!
Wednesday August 19 2009, 9:22 AM
As some may know i just absolutly love brad keselowski. I love coming on here and getting all of the experienced opinions on everything. So what do u guys think? I love the wins. i loved it before the wins. i just love the driver.. talented as all hell and an all around really smart kid. wiyhout looking.. so dont hold me to it. but wins so farNationwide: Sprint:Nashville TALLADEGA!!!Bristol (from like 30 somethinth)DoverIowaMichiganFor both Iowa and Michigan, Brad beat out KYLE BUSH! The nationwide devil! I just think this kid is amazing. and doing everything right! I just feel bad for joey lagono, because i think if they wouldve let him take his time he might have turned out just as good without all the negitive media that we all know hurts a drivers confidece so much.. sorry for rambling on and all the spelling mistakes but im just putting it all out there.. and i would really like to know wha u think..? so, is he good enough to go big? or am i just caught up in the moment of glory?
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   16 years ago
This kid is the real deal!
Dennis Schalm
@dennis-schalm   16 years ago
Both him and his brother Brian were two of the hardest working kids I've known. I attribute that to mom and dad and Uncle Ron. Good things DO happen to good people sometimes.
@lexi   16 years ago
thank u guys so much. i now know im not just.. i dont .. crazy. i love this kid.. and i just wanted to make sure im not the only one. i tried to get his autograph at watkins glenn but judging my the sea of people surrounding him i thought dale jr was standing there! it was nuts!!! i wanted to make sure for myself i hadnt stayed on board as a fan just because everybody is.. i am star struck .. i know he will do a good job!
@lexi   16 years ago
o i know. i have seen brian at work on my various trips to tracks and they know alot! very smart bunch people... i dont know them personally but ive seen them both at work and they deffinatly know what theyre doing!
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   16 years ago
Hey Lexi, like Dennis, I'm from Michigan and we have watched the Keselowski's for many years. The kids came up working on the cars. I've said this all along, Brad will figure out and calculate a way to win, and do it fair. He might have to move somebody, but he'll give that driver a chance. He's a thinking race driver. For those who remember, Uncle Ron gave the big name drivers in Nascar fits at Michigan International Speedway in the 70's. His under financed Dodge didn't win, but they knew who he was when they loaded up to go home. Also, we in Michigan are very proud of Brad's Cup win; he's the second driver with a Michigan mailing address to win a Cup race. Johnny Benson being the other.As far as making the big time, yup he'll make it. Just depends on the equipment. Oh and if Devil boy wants to pick a fight with a Keselowski, good luck!! They're a tough bunch and won't back down from anybody.Hang in there Lexi, you'll get your autograph from Brad. Just be patient. He's a class act!Pete, proud in Michigan.
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   16 years ago
Ok Tim, I'd love to hear the story when you get a few minutes.Your buddy,Pete in Keselowski country.
Unique Hiram
@unique-hiram   16 years ago
Brad K is definitely the "real deal" as Jeff so eloquently put in into words :o) I've had the opportunity to watch him race in person as well and he is very talented as well as a humble being. It will be awesome to see how far he goes in this fantastic sport.
@lexi   16 years ago
Tim, id love to hear that story when u have sometime. Pete i can be patient.. ill br damned if i dont get an autograph lol. and id like to see Devil boy try too.. and Unique Hiram.. the real deal is one way to describe him.. id just say amazing.P.S. bristol was this weekend an brad put on quite a show! lap 39 he made contact with justin and by the end he was 3rd. that was alot of work but took alot of thinking and hrad work. congrats wherever he may be.. lol!