Luiz Vicente AulerPassos Miranda

Paulo Buso - Ford (02)

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Jim Wilmore
@jim-wilmore   13 years ago
That is really cool, nice graphics
Luiz Vicente AulerPassos Miranda
@luiz-vicente-aulerpassos-miranda   13 years ago
Hi Jim,Did you see the photo with Paulo Busos daughter besides her father's "Carretera" Ford Flathead? Did you see the Edelbrock heads? I think the tri-carbs were replaced by a single one to make the engine easier to be fine tuned, as she uses to fire up the engine every week, in order to keep the car alive.There is a very interesting story, I don't know if it is true, about the car. In the early fifties, Paulo Buso and his brother had to a great dificulty to get Edelbrock racing parts, as a tri-carb manifold, heads, etc. Fortunately they succeeded buying them in Argentina but spent a lot of time by-passing the Brazilian Customs.This car was never restored. She is in the same way as she finished her last race in the early sixties.
Jim Wilmore
@jim-wilmore   12 years ago
Luiz, so sorry I haven't replied back. I am very interested in the story of the Brazilian races and cars.Do you the any history or websites of the races?
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