Cheraw Speedway, Cheraw, SC
Lynn Ingram
Saturday August 20 2011, 12:54 PM

For those who are interested in the old Cheraw Speedway, owned and operated by Jimmy Ingram in the 1950s and 1960s, please join the new Facebook group/page created to celebrate the history of the track, of his racing career, and the history of all the other wonderful men who ran there.

I'm his daughter, Lynn Ingram. I still own the track property, and we may just have to have a reunion there before too long.

The link to the page is

Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   14 years ago
Lynn, it would be a good idea to create a group/club here on RR as well. From my experience...You'll most likely get more of these members to respond to a group here than on facebook. We've enjoyed the photos and the information coming from this old track and look forward to more. Thanks very much!Jeff
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   14 years ago
Go for it Lynn. I love doing the reunions at the tracks. You know I'll be there.
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   14 years ago
I went ahead and set up a Cheraw Speedway Club here. Everyone go join it please.