Raymond Parks
Major William I. Brown
Monday May 24 2010, 8:11 PM
I'm wondering if anyone is close, personal friends with the legendary Raymond Parks, whom I believe is living in the Atlanta area. I'm an Army Major who really enjoys corresponding with the legends of NASCAR, particularly those that raced, promoted or turned wrenches in the 1950s-60s. I'm also interested in tracking down Dr. Don Tarr, who I think is in TN and any former members of the Petty crew from the 1960s, early 1970s. Regards, Bill Brown in Bedford, VA
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   15 years ago
Major, there is, I understand, a Raymond Park birthday event in Greenville, South Carolina, I believe on June 6th. Check the website here and you should be able to find the information.Tim
Major William I. Brown
@major-william-i-brown   15 years ago
Just my luck! I've got military duty that weekend. Thanks for the update. Maybe I can figure out a way of looking him up in person some other time.
Leon Phillips
@leon-phillips   15 years ago
Major Brown Dr Don Tarr might be at Memory Lane Raceing Museum in October in Moresville NC when they have there Hall of Fame October 17 2010 he was there last year and i think the year before
Major William I. Brown
@major-william-i-brown   15 years ago
Thanks, I'll check with them to see if I can get on their mailing list so I'll know when, where and who's coming.
Harvey Tollison
@harvey-tollison   15 years ago
Mr Parks will be turning 94 and there will be a birthday party for him in Greenville SC Sunday June 6th at Riverbend Racing Musuem .
Major William I. Brown
@major-william-i-brown   15 years ago
Thanks, Mr. Tollison. I would love to make it to the event because I've got a few books I've been wanting Raymond to autograph for years. But alas, I'd already committed to take me son Carter Lee this coming weekend to Reading, PA for a huge WW-II aviation reunion, with many of the Band of Brothers also coming. Carter commissioned into the Air Force as a 2LT two weeks ago from the famous VA Mil. Institute and I can't back out on the trip. Regards, Maj. Bill Brown