LMS and Modified inductees should go in!
Paul Zappardino
Friday July 2 2010, 12:21 PM
Hi gang! Yuo all know or most of you do I am a die hard LMS old timer, and ilike the "Mod Squad" When I heard the names Jerry Cook, Richie Evans, Jack Ingram I yelled "ALRIGHT" and when mike Joy mentioned the LMS battles of Jack Ingam and Sam Ard!!!!! I just mad me want to enter this blog saying the old division should be recognized next year in my opinion. BUT that remains to be seen, I saw these 4 in their careers and Jerry and Richie made Rome NY famous!!!!!!
Mike Sykes
@mike-sykes   15 years ago
I totally agree with you Paul but if the first year is an indicator then politics will prevail once again. We can only hope.
Paul Zappardino
@paul-zappardino   15 years ago
That is what turned NASCAR into "ASSCAR" and why i threw in the towel after 81
Russell Rector
@russell-rector   15 years ago
I think these four should be in and also I would think Red Farmer as well!!!!!!