ray lamm


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ricky rudd at richmond in his dad chevy with junie donlavey sponor truxmore 90.ricky drover fords for junie dinlavey 1979
Dennis  Garrett
@dennis-garrett   14 years ago
I like this #90 chev. photo, but something is wrong with the above title:)

ricky rudd at richmond in his dad chevy with junie donlavey sponor truxmore 90.ricky drover fords for junie dinlavey 1979

#1.True, the above photo is Al Rudd's #22 Chevy painted in Junie Donlavey's #90 Truxmore Ford colored paint job and raced as Junie Donlavey's #90 Truxmore Chevy race team.

#2. The above photo was taken during an (BIR night race) Bristol International Raceway night race . See Bristol International Raceway logo on the wall. 1979 BIR race track has walls as race track barriers and raced night races.

#3. 1979 Richmond Fairgrounds Raceway raced day races and had Arco Steel Guard Rail as race track barriers.

#4. About 4 years ago, someone built an 1/24 scale model of this #90 Truxmore Chevy race car and sold it on ebay for big bucks.
An different ebay photo of the #90 Truxmore Chevy race car was shown racing during the day??

#5.If above photo was taken during an (BIR night race) Bristol International Raceway night race?
If ebay is an 1979 Richmond Fairgrounds Raceway race day photo?

Then Al Rudd's #22 Chevy painted in Junie Donlavey's #90 Truxmore Ford colored paint job and raced as Junie Donlavey's #90 Truxmore Chevy race team was used twice in 1979.

Once at 1979 Richmond Fairgrounds Raceway day race!

Once at 1979 Bristol International Raceway night race!
Dennis  Garrett
@dennis-garrett   14 years ago
1988 Pontiac Excitement 400
NASCAR Winston Cup race number 2 of 29
February 21, 1988 at Richmond Fairgrounds Raceway, Richmond, VA
400 laps on a .542 mile paved track (216.8 miles)
was last race at old Richmond Fairgrounds Raceway that raced day races and had Arco Steel Guard Rail as race track barriers.

1988 Miller High Life 400
NASCAR Winston Cup race number 22 of 29
September 11, 1988 at Richmond International Raceway, Richmond, VA
400 laps on a .750 mile paved track (300.0 miles)
was first race at new Richmond International Raceway that started to raced night races and had walls as race track barriers.
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