Tim Leeming
Tuesday March 28 2017, 7:30 PM


Legendtorial for March 28, 2017

"Re" Search.  The very word leads one to believe that you searched it once and didn't find what you wanted to find so you REsearch it again.  I heard that word spoken by RacersReunion's own Patrick Reynolds last night as he seemed to take aim at we Tuesday night guys and our obsession with NASCAR's Television ratings.  Patrick said he "researched" how "overnights" and general ratings are computed and any suggestion that NASCAR is failing in the ratings game is a fallacy.  I didn't really hear Patrick quote the source whereupon his research took him, but he is adamant that, when all forms of media sources are taken into account, NASCAR's ratings are up there! I guess Brian finally got to Patrick.

Anyone who has ever been around Patrick and me knows the two of us get along about as well as Harry Potter and Voldermort.  It you don't know the story of those two, check it out in books or DVD.  A good story and about sums up the relationship Patrick and I have.  But, it is not so much Patrick I'm taking on here tonight, it's the fallacy of the REsearch sources Patrick used.  Does anyone here remember the pre-election polls?  The Election Day polling? The shock, when it was all over, that all the pollsters got it wrong!  Isn't that sort of like researching something these days looking for facts when news reports can't even get facts correct?  In today's world, if you don't see it happen right before your eyes, don't believe it, and if it does happen right before your eyes, still doubt that what you saw is real.

Bottom line, at least for me, is that I don't really care anymore what the television ratings are.  I watch the Cup Races, so I know I am a part of that demographic and that's all that concerns me.  I watch very little of Xfinity because of all the Cup drivers coming down there to mess with the guys trying to work their way up.  Justify that any way you want to justify it, but it's still wrong!  As for the trucks, I don't even watch them at all anymore.  There are just some things unwatchable and truck races are, for me, in that category.  Part of that, I admit, is one of the lead announcers in the booth.

So, let's get off the REsearch of the computation of Patrick's rating scale and talk about Fontana.  I have to admit the racing was pretty doggone good, but that "clean air" still plays a major part in allowing the leader to move away.  When you really don't care who wins but really do care about who loses, there is an interest in the event.  But let's pause a minute here to talk about flat out, bald face lying by FOX television network and its minions. 

Remember the NASCAR precursor to the "Stages" that it would give fans more green flag coverage as the network could schedule commercials during the Stages break.  We have discovered that is more B.S. than is combined in all of Texas and Oklahoma.  We are still inundated with stupid commercial after stupid commercial and they only get worse.  Even more aggravating is the regurgitated ones from last year that certain sponsors continue to use for a second year running.

If you listened to Jeff Gordon in the pre-race, he called the grandstands "packed stands".  Straight on camera shots of certain areas made the crowd appear large and I'm sure it was larger than anywhere the Cup has been thus far this year with the exception of Daytona.  But did you see the overhead shots?  Huge sections of stands with nothing but aluminum seating showing.  Is there a new definition to "packed"?  And, isn't Southern California one of the most heavily populated parts of the country?  And, wasn't the field full of drivers with California backgrounds?

Then, as I recall, our D.W. chimed in with a statement about all the motor homes in the infield and what a good sign that was.  Did anyone besides me notice that all the motor homes, from the air, appeared to be the same model and all were parked so neatly in a row as if Camping World was having an expo on the speedway grounds.  The dead give away to the fakeness of the motor home statement was the fact that not one, NOT ONE, I observed at any time had folks standing on top watching the race.  Anyone else find this unusual?

You can REsearch all you want and make up all the Fake Facts you wish to put forth, but the fact remains that what was once a flourishing sport is now a travesty in the world of sports.  The first couple of races the stages were interesting.  Now I don't see it making any difference.  And the penalties NASCAR hands down are ridiculous.  I know this is going to shock the world, but Danica Patrick said it and I wholeheartedly agree with her.  Imagine that.

So, folks, see it as you choose to see it. But this I will say.  For the first time I can ever remember, you can't find one in a hundred kids under 25 who gives a damn about NASCAR or stock car racing.  You would be hard pressed to find one in a hundred under the age of 35 who cares.  Isn't that the demographic NASCAR wants? Research that for us please Patrick and see what you can come up with.

NASCAR, there are some of us who still care in spite of your continued effort to brush us aside as you have brushed aside so many of the personalities that gave life to you.  This is not a "bash NASCAR" Legendtorial although I expect many of you will see it as such, if you even see it at all.  I still have NASCAR decals on my car and wear NASCAR clothing and caps.  I'm still very proud of the heritage I have in me from all my years as a fan of the sport.  I don't especially like what you have become, but I still watch.  And, for the first time since 2011, I plan to attend a Cup race this year.  Which one?  The Southern 500 at Darlington of course.  The throw back weekend.  I'll be the one with the Winston Cup T-shirt and the Winston Cup cap.   Maybe Patrick would like to research how many Winston Cup era t-shirts and caps are still around.  Go for it Patrick.

Dave Fulton
@dave-fulton   8 years ago
Lol! Legend calls out Fake News, NASCAR style😃
Patrick Reynolds
@patrick-reynolds   8 years ago
This Legendtorial is Fake News.  "any suggestion that NASCAR is failing in the ratings game is a fallacy." No, I never said or implied that.  "but he is adamant that, when all forms of media sources are taken into account, NASCAR's ratings are up there! I guess Brian finally got to Patrick." False again. I never said or implied that. I really think Tim should invest in a hearing aid or at the very least have someone translate my English into whatever language he speaks.  These claims he makes are totally false. But if he would like to continue to write fiction as his 'torials, I believe he should be fair to his audience and alert them that they are reading a fairy tale.
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   8 years ago

I think anyone who would go playback "Speedway Report" if, indeed, you could tolerate giving it a second listen, would find Patrick stated exactly what he is now denying.  He has been called out on his misdirected comments and seeks to make amends by claiming "I didn't say that".  Keep trying Patrick.  As for the possible need for hearing aids, I can assure you my hearing is perfect.  My English, as well, is pretty darned good, which is more than I can say for your transplanted Northern accent invading a well established Southern sport.  Better give it up Patrick.  You are not worthy to shine by cowboy boots, or even to hold my hat!
Patrick Reynolds
@patrick-reynolds   8 years ago
I will do you a favor, Tim. Here is the program. I encourage everyone to listen. They can hear for themselves exactly what I said. They will also see the Fake News Legendtorial for what it is.
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   8 years ago

Perhaps I didn't quote the exact words of the poor man attempting to make a name for himself on some distant planet, but the intent of what he said is exactly what I am quoting.  As for this particular subject, and this battle, Patrick can continue to strain what little gray matter there is between those ears of his all he wants. 
Jeff Gilder
@jeff-gilder   8 years ago
I hope everyone who reads this...and does not know the two of you..realizes you are actually friends and this is "friendly" banter and not serious. 
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   8 years ago
Jeff, maybe you had better ask Patrick about that!!!!!
TMC Chase
@tmc-chase   8 years ago
Well, I'll be dogged. Came with tonight's Chinese takeout. IMG_3287.JPG
Tim Leeming
@tim-leeming   8 years ago
That is true you know Chase.  I got a good laugh just now when I saw the headline "The Best of Speedway Report".  How is that even remotely possible?
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