Raindrops, No Vortex, and the New Legend
Tim Leeming
Tuesday May 2 2017, 7:05 PM

Raindrops, No Vortex, and the New Legend

Legendtorial for May 2, 2017

I'm sitting here in my little studio on a Sunday afternoon when I should be watching a race from Bristol.  But, alas, it is raining in Bristol so the race has been rescheduled for Monday afternoon, which, by the time this Legendtorial is read will have already happened.  That could be optimistic because we never know what the weather is going to do. 

I saw on one of the social media sites where FOX Sports has written an excuse to be printed and used by those wishing to miss work on Monday, or school, which I would call ridiculous except for one thing.  My Mother wrote many an excuse to school stating, "Please excuse Tim's absence yesterday as he was with Richard Petty at the Plymouth Dealership all day".  That was because the April Columbia Grand National Race was always on Thursday, a school day, and Marion Burnside Chrysler Plymouth always brought Richard to town for an all day appearance.  Oh, I really was a good student but I'm sure my teachers would freak out when they thought about me spending time with a race driver rather than being in school.  Oh what days.

Remember the theory of the "Vortex" around race tracks according to PhD D.W.? He somehow believes the cars circulating the track drives the rain away.  Problem is, cars didn't get to circulate the track Sunday.  It was a washout before the day ever started.  It is almost unprecedented for NASCAR to call a race early on the morning of race day but I guess they were more trusting of weather forecasts than am I.  But then, I have a reason to be.  We have been promised rain by our resident weather person for three days now and have gotten not ONE drop.  As I sit here at 3:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon, it's partly cloudy but according to our weather prognosticator, we should be floating in rivers by now. 

Bristol has always been an interesting, if not exciting race.  I attended many an event there but that was in the '60s, 70s, an early 80s.  Sort of went off my schedule when ticket prices reached orbit around the moon and Bristol was hesitant to issue too many press credentials.  I still watch though, as I do most races, and I'm juggling things around now to watch Monday afternoon.  I hope it is another good Bristol race without any "cage rattling" going on.

By now, you have probably noticed the voice you are hearing is not that of our long time legend.  This is because he is at a grandson's soccer game as his grandson is a senior and Captain of his team and Tim really wanted to be there as Sam's High School Career comes to the end.  He told us that last week and I, Alex from Florida, volunteered to step in and read the Legendtorial this week.  I did make it clear to Tim that, for the first time in a long time, the Legendtorial would have a little "class" about it and for that, he was happy.  

Tim has been The Legend for a long time, named such by a computer fluke in Jeff's computer.  As the torch is being passed in racing, as Tim has recently stated, perhaps it is time to pass the torch of the Legend to a younger (I'm 24) guy who has a steel-trap memory for racing history, facts and figures.  Something to think about. 

Back to you Jeff.

Dave Fulton
@dave-fulton   8 years ago
Only one Legend... And he is FAMOUS.
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