Contact your Senators And Congressional Rep about Accelerated Vehicle Retirement
Vince Coscia
Monday January 26 2009, 2:07 PM
Oppose the Use of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars for Accelerated Vehicle Retirement I am writing to urge lawmakers not to approve an accelerated vehicle retirement program. Even on a voluntary basis, the program will hurt thousands of independent repair shops, auto restorers, customizers and their customers across the country that depend on the used car market. These businesses are already very vulnerable in the weak economy. An accelerated vehicle retirement program is flawed since it does not target the gross polluter, an improperly maintained vehicle of any make or model year that has poor fuel mileage and dramatically more emissions due to poor maintenance. An accelerated vehicle retirement program is flawed because it does not factor-in how many miles-a-year the collected vehicles are currently being driven. U.S. taxpayers will be buying rarely-driven second and third vehicles that have minimal impact on overall fuel economy and air pollution. Accelerated vehicle retirement wont generate many new car sales. The cash incentive provided will not be enough to enable a person to buy a new or used vehicle. Accelerated vehicle retirement will compete with nonprofits that rely on vehicle donations to raise funds, such as the Salvation Army, the Purple Heart and other charities. Accelerated vehicle retirement threatens to disrupt a large and complex industry which already handles scrappage, repair, remanufacturing and recycling issues. This independent industry provides thousands of American jobs and generates millions of dollars in local, state and federal tax revenues. Accelerated vehicle retirement ignores better policy options. Taxpayer dollars would be better spent as direct tax incentives to purchase a fuel-efficient new or used car, without a government vehicle crushing program. Congress should also provide tax incentives to upgrade, repair and maintain existing cars, trucks and SUVs. There are many commercially available products and technologies that can substantially improve fuel mileage and lower the emissions. We hope we can count on you to reject Accelerated Vehicle Retirement. Thank you for your consideration on this very important matter.