Bill Rankin

Herman "the Turtle" Beam 1960 Ford Starliner

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This is a custom built 1960 Ford Starliner of Herman Beam's race car in 1/24th scale from a AMT/ERTL kit. The fans of today don't realize that Herman holds the record for consecutive finishes in NASCAR.
Robert Mitchell
@robert-mitchell   15 years ago
Those Starliners are beautiful cars with that bubble rear of my all time favorites. It looks life size in the photo!
Wayne Haynes
@wayne-haynes   15 years ago
Great build, and photo. Herman's Starliner is a good candidate, for the history of my REAL, '60 Starliner NASCAR stock car. I found it in the Va, mountains within the last year, and plan to restore it, but first I have to find out WHO, H/M built the car for, in '60.
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