Bill Rankin

Mercury stock passenger cars and race cars

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Remember when stock cars and race cars were pretty much the same thing? This is my art work of the road car for Mercury and it's racing counterpart
Pete Banchoff
@pete-banchoff   15 years ago
Now there's a work of art!!
Cody Dinsmore
@cody-dinsmore   15 years ago
I agree. This is very, very cool and unique! I love this!!!!
Cody Dinsmore
@cody-dinsmore   15 years ago
Do you have any prints right now of this? Would love to get one if ya do.
Randy Myers2
@randy-myers2   15 years ago
Bill, I am working on getting you one of those metal plates we discussed. A bit of history on the Mercury road cars. Daddy wound up with one of the two actual 57 Indy Pace Cars. Sam Hanks received the car used in the event and daddy got the other. There were several other cars (I think 300) that went to dealerships as replicas. There is usually one at the Occoneechee car show each year. It belongs to a guy in Durham and there used to be a guy in Marion, NC who restored those cars.
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