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  • Blog
    Friday February 7 2014, 7:00 PM
    to those who know, which was better the paved or the dirt? thought the track was going to come back a couple of years ago as a racing park with a hotel, restaurants and other assets but the economy went south and the new owner balked. I worked as...
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    Thursday February 6 2014, 10:48 PM
    in 60 the Nashville race came up. at first we weren't going then we decided to.we were at southern pines where we kept the olds. The owner owned a junk yard there and he had bought the olds from Lee Petty. me and Roy drove from his home in red...
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    Thursday February 6 2014, 5:30 PM
    I rememer seeing the pedals in Rex'es car having blocksattached to them so his feet could reach them. Rex was one of my favorite drivers
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    Thursday February 6 2014, 5:23 PM
    I was ther when Tommy Irwin went into the lake coming off turn two. I could see it coming as he was next to the guard rail all the way through the turn and as the high grove dissapears starting the back stretch I knew he had nowhere to go. so...
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    Thursday February 6 2014, 4:48 PM
    some of the names I remember from the 50s at robinwood and other tracks around Charlotte, does any one remember them? Bud Maynor Harold Dunnaway, Glen Dunnaway, Briant Wallace,DAVID PEARSON (won a bunch in his 40 ford) Blackwelders from up around...
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    Wednesday February 5 2014, 4:44 PM
    during the 60s when both firestone and Goodyear furnished tires, there were times that the Firestone crew would throw a few of their tires on the Goodyear truck and just ride with them to the next dirt track race, very few used Firestones, I think...
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    Wednesday February 5 2014, 4:30 PM
    anybody remember Herman Beam? 60s If it took two hundred miles an hr. to Qualify, herman was in but as soon as the flag dropped, he fell to the bottom and rode the race out. always finished. had tears in his eyes at daytona when he had to replace...
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    Wednesday February 5 2014, 3:40 PM
    Been a while since I've perused the pages here. A lot has happened, yet it seems like it hasn't in some ways. I guess that's why someone came up with the phrase, 'The more things change, the more they stay the same.' Which brings me to explain my...
    4 Comments Likes
    Wednesday February 5 2014, 12:58 PM
    the night befor an Atlanta race in 1960, me Roy tyner, the car owners son and another indian friend of Roys stopped at a truck stop near the speedway. Roys Mohawk hair cut often got us in some local situations, Roy had a temper and didn't take...
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    Wednesday February 5 2014, 12:33 PM
    another night at gaffney, we were running our convertables. the race had just got underway when going down the straightaway,my car Quit running. I coasted through the first turn and starting down the backstretch, I noticed I was coming up on a gas...
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    Wednesday February 5 2014, 12:27 PM
    one night we were running our limited sportsman convertables at hickory. it got so dusty you couldn't see the track. you had to follow the floodlights . I was following a white car which I could barely make out figguring I would follow him through...
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    Wednesday February 5 2014, 12:19 PM
    there were 66 cars in the first 600 started three abreast. we were told to go to town and get some metal to put accross the hood in front of the windsheild as the asphault was going to be flying. Buck Brigance A former motorcycle racer worked for...
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